2022 Olympic Winter Games Beijing


These buildings/rooms are prob likely be reused/resold as resorts/hotels/dormas/communal housing etc. I can only speculate but in the US, a government contract would subcontract who would subcontract, who would sub contract... so your actual goods/service you pay for at 200$ is really worth only 40$. I suspect it is different in China these days, especially a gov contract.

These days, with competent modern designers, you can get a "luxury" feel and appearance at relatively low cost.

My speculation. In China, Olympics still carry that aura of prestige and cosmopolitan that suppliers would love to bid at very competitive price and earn the bragging rights of its association later. In the western countries, meanwhile, Olympics' prestige is not much than that of cardboard ...
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Registered Member
My speculation. In China, Olympics still carry that aura of prestige and cosmopolitan that suppliers would love to bid at very competitive price and earn the bragging rights of its association later. In the western countries, meanwhile, Olympics' prestige is no much than that of cardboard ...
Many western countries are still fighting to be hosts for the Olympics. Why else would Milan, LA and Paris be hosting the next few games?


Many western countries are still fighting to be hosts for the Olympics. Why else would Milan, LA and Paris be hosting the next few games?

That may be true, for the municipal governments involved, but the support from local populace are not so. In any case, it's relatively speaking.


Senior Member
My mother-in-law had to do a two week quarantine in a hotel when flying from US to Shanghai. Does Beijing Olympics have similar measure for foreign athletes and journalist?

Anyone can explain what quarantine or testing regimen or no contact local rules Beijing has for foreign athletes and journalists?

I posted this before in another thread. Basically closed loop. Double vaxxed requirements. Pcr testing mandatory.


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I was expecting different kind of western reporting on Beijing winter Olympics compared to the Tokyo games where they basically were very sympathetic to japan and praised their efforts to conduct the games under difficult circumstances.
But this is pushing it really far. The games haven't even started yet and the judgements are already made. Heck china is doing far better job in containing covid than Japan for starters. Less screw ups. Better accommodation. Better preparations. Yet they pushed the negative angle to the front. Despicable.

I guess there are At least there are interesting details in the article that I didn't know before. Looks like unvaccinated athletes can still enter but need to do 21 days quarantine. Global times article I read previouslybwasbr clear on this.
The fuck fest thing was amusing
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Registered Member
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I was expecting different kind of western reporting on Beijing winter Olympics compared to the Tokyo games where they basically were very sympathetic to japan and praised their efforts to conduct the games under difficult circumstances.
But this is pushing it really far. The games haven't even started yet and the judgements are already made. Heck china is doing far better job in containing covid than Japan for starters. Less screw ups. Better accommodation. Better preparations. Yet they pushed the negative angle to the front. Despicable.

I guess there are At least there are interesting details in the article that I didn't know before. Looks like unvaccinated athletes can still enter but need to do 21 days quarantine. Global times article I read previouslybwasbr clear on this.
The fuck fest thing was amusing
There's no difference between the far left rag (Liberal) and the right wing rags in America when it comes to their nearly universal hatred for China. The only difference is the degree and use of semantics where the Libs are less in your face but are far more effective with their propaganda. Liberal Arts have it's use after all.