I feel really bad for Eileen Gu.
She is being branded simultaneously as a ungrateful traitor, opportunist, and ignoramus.
This garbage article really ticked me off. I thought it would be interesting, but instead it was state department tripe.
The criticism of Ms. Gu is just showing all the worst traits that western media claims to be striving to eliminate, sexism, racism, intolerance, ignorance. Why is she attracting so much extra attention? Simply because she is a smart, attractive, Chinese female at the top of her game. What a joke.
They compare her to Peng Shuhai, saying the government can disappear her at any moment if they are not happy with her. Ignoring the fact that Peng Shuhai is not disappeared and has made many public appearances. They also interview some talking head from "Freedom House" saying how she can't say anything about Uyghurs, Hong Kong, or Human rights etc. You know, why should she comment? If she thinks terrible abuses are happening, why would she represent China? If she doesn't think they are, then why would she want to attract even more negative western press? Any comment is a no-win for her, that is common sense.
Nina Schultz/Zheng and her Brother Ty, both are Canadians who are representing China. With all due respect to them as high level competitors, neither are attracting the kind of negative press that Gu does simply because they weren't/aren't gold medal contenders.
Freddie Freeman (Atlanta Braves 1B) an American who chose to represent Canada at World Baseball Classic despite never living a day in Canada. Why? He said being Canadian (never taking American citizenship) was very important to his mother who had passed away, so this it was a tribute to her. It was a touching gesture that no one questioned.