Fake news reporters hate the food, yet athletes love the food...
Propangadists working hard for a piece of that $500 million anti-China news fund.
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Tara Mulholland, another idiot journalist. That image was probably a TV dinner taken from a random home in America for all I care. She can have that crap.While team USA on the right. They are eating Chinese food in
China. That's why its the best Chinese food they have ever taken. These folks know how to live a life.
To Tara Mulholland, James Griffiths, and dumb journalists like them. You can all go and starve in China. Bet you never knew how to starve like those poor children in Gaza, Yemen, and Iraq. The very children that your type of 'journalism' created the justification to starve them. Hate the Spaghetti and Steak in China? Go hungry then! Show the CCP your resolve!