If you bothered to read a few posts back, see that 2 maps and its analysis, you should have a bigger picture of why Putin got what he came for and that'd benefit Russia in the years to come...that is, unless in a few years time humanity discovered alternate energy that can finally throw fossil fuel and internal combustion engine into the history. That said, command the source of fossil fuel will continue to be the centrepiece of power games in Realpolitik.
And there's the upcoming election in Ukraine, if Putin play it hard, the more hardline the candidate will be more likely get the vote, then less room to work for all sides; it's just like Taiwan's elections, now Beijing learned to shut up during the season, so both sides left to slug out with old ammo instead of something new.
Putin ain't that useless drunk Yeltsin was, he ain't that stupid and not in a hurry to push for Russian's version of "manifested destiny" if they got one. Federalisation of Ukraine could be a reality if a more moderate candidate gets elected and might be easier to sell to the masses if the masses sees Russia can be reasoned with and only muscled in when they push Russia against the wall. In the end, Federalisation will leave Ukraine effectively chopped into two, the more prosperous Eastern (and pro-Russia) and the still broken Western. EU will definitely don't want an arse-broke new member to burden them anymore as it is, and the US won't be able to cough up real support for the "Western-bit" for the years to come. Thus Ukraine will eventually wise up, and so will Kiev in turn.
That's the long-term game plan Russia is pushing for, as such it'd be the best for Putin to pull back a little, and he did.