Those NATO forces will not be push-overs, that much Airpower will make Putin stop and think, as well he should, and any aggression by Russia in response to those aircraft will bring a response, of that you should have no doubt. In fact now that US aircraft are mixed into the NATO force, Obama will not have to act alone, which he is loath to do, but he is a street organizer, and he's not nearly so concerned once he is surrounded by a "coalition", that will likely not be apparent to the bad guys, until they mess up.
All the chess peices are being arranged on the board...and the board is eastern Europe, and the pieces are all of this military harware.
I pray that it will be enough on both sides to deter any major conflict...becuase that will end up being very bad for everyone involved.
But with US, UK, Canadian, French and Poland forces arerayed together is a very potent force to be concerned about.
As I stated, the combined fighting power of NATO, in terms of both aircraft, personnel, and armor, is several times that of Russia. The total combatant air forces of NATO numbers close to 6,000 aircraft, while Russia's current active combatant aircraft numbers close to 1,500. An air bridge into eastern Europe from all of NATO could be easily built to funnel that power there. And clearly Russia could fuinnel its aircraft there too.
Since that should be obvious to all, and since NATO has now actually funneled a decent force into Poland, I pray it is not necessary to go any further and that such eventualities are never tested. The whole idea...on btoih to let those very capable forces deter one another.
Let us all pray that they do.