Lieutenant General
Okay If ever there was proof that the Rabble in Eastern Ukraine are not the Russian troops of Crimea I think it's here.
the author makes a very good case. but most convincing to me is two videos he posts.
This is how the Russians In Crimea entered a police station.
It's loud yes but not a single shot fired. they blew through the locks and moved in at based on the time index on the video must have been 4 in the morning.
Now what about Eastern Ukraine?
under cover of Broad daylight with camera's and video everywhere
They charged the stations and were Quick on the Trigger, First sign of resistence was responded to with bullets in the air. and then look at what they do they take post but it's all wrong. When the Russians did it they posted aiming out the entry point well others cleared inside the building, These guys seemed oblivious to the potential that there might have been more Police on the way.
as subtle as a moose.
All I can think is. The Cop Car gag form American Graffiti
But look again from the second video in east Ukraine at the way those resistant groups take security control and pointing their weapons and seems to be more discipline on their movements. Again I believe these are Russian troops, maybe not as good as the Spetsnaz in Crimea earlier but never the less more organized than your average militia. To me their body language and firing in the air (to cause noise, fear, and chaos) are just their tactics. What the video didn't show is another force probably are looking out for any police reinforcements and such. These are the assault units of the platoon you can bet their's a sniper team looking out for them and the security team does not has to be visible.
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