One exchange that caught my attention was the exchange regarding Romney's plan for the US Navy. Despite Obama's contention that Romney's plan is not what the military has asked for, the US Navy leadership and planners have indeed, on numerous occassions, asked for a 320-350 ship Navy to address their furutre world-wide needs. Obama's comments are just factually inaccurate.
addresses this requirement in a very detailed, professional and measured way.
In addition, Obama's contemptuous and snide insults regarding Romney somehow being out of touch with the present and future needs of the Navy, stating that "we do not need horses and bayonettes anymore," and that "we have these things called Aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines that can go beneath the water," were equally mis-stated, and quite frankly sophmoric.
Is Obama not aware that at the start of the war in Afghanistan that our Special Forces allied with the Northern Alliance, and those Special Forces personnel fought from horse-back? They were able to get into places and laser-designate targets by using horses that otherwise would not have been designated. In fact, I believe at the 911 memorial there is a statue of one of our SPECOPS personnel on horse back for Heaven's Sake! In addition, ask any US Marine about the utility and need for Bayonettes. They are still necessary and used when there is any chance of close-in hand to hand fighting for the Army or Marines. IMHO, Obama revealed his own lack of knoweldge regarding these things byhis comments.
I cover all of this in an article I wrote today that will soon be published in multiple places called:
Romney made a conscience decision last night to stay above the fray and to present a much higher level and strategic plan for foreign policy, while pivoting to the economy which is the issue this election will ride on. His plans for the economy will balance the budget and end deficit spending. I believe as he did in Mass. that he will be able to get bi-partisan support for it too.
I personally would have liked to see him go after Obama more on the Benghazi debacle, and on issues like these comments of Obama. but he decided to not get dwon in the mud and in so doing, came across as more presidential. The audience Romney was speaking to was not his base, or Obama's was the independents and his tactics may well have gained him even more ground on that front.
The only real thing Obama has had bipartisan involvement with was his own two budgets that he presented. Both times it was the most bi-partisan vote in US Congressional history. 100% of both the House and Senate voted against them...both times. Not even one democrat would vote for them because the budget was so rediculous with respect to unnsustainable deficit spending and debt...something his entoire four years in office has punctuated. He cannot run from those promises to cut the deficit and how important it was...and how terrible and "unpatriotic" Bush was for having a four trillion dollar deficit over eight years when he has now ammassed six trillion dollars in four. His own words come back to haunt him.