Converting 094s for SSGN roles as 096s come online is an attractive notion at first glance, but loses some of its lustre on closer examination. First there is the issue of total SSBN force structure requirements, as noted by Totoro. I think a medium-term force structure of 12 boats is reasonable. The requirement for a large SSBN force is dictated by USN's large SSN fleet that is available for strategic ASW taskings. The more SSBNs you have, the more can be deployed on a regular basis and the greater surge capacity that exists, complicating USN SSN taskings considerably.
A robust SSGN capability is highly desirable mostly to hold the American carrier battle groups at risk. Land targets are secondary. Having achieved a force of 12 SSBNs consisting of 6x094s and 6x096s, the question becomes whether subsequent 096-series construction should continue to deliver SSBNs, with 094s retooled as SSGNs, or rather if future 096 boats should be delivered as SSGNs from the start. The advantage of the latter path is that not only does it deliver a superior SSGN capability, but it does so more efficiently than converting 094s, which takes both time and money. The disadvantage is a diminished nuclear deterrent.
One advantage of using 096 as the basis for an SSGN platform is that it removes the impetus to make future SSNs like 095 large and expensive "multipurpose platforms" and frees them to be optimised for the ASW role, with high speed, maneuverability, and large torpedo magazines to e.g. hold American SSBNs at risk. One disadvantage of using 096 as the basis for an SSGN platform is that it is unlikely to be as fast as would be desired. This weakness could be partly offset by making the 096-SSGN variant smaller by reducing the size of the missile compartment.