Target drones being launched from 987 "Wuzhishan" Type 071 amphibious dock landing ship. In the background should be 965 "Chaganhu" Type 901 fast combat support ship, and 175 "Yingchuan" Type 052D destroyer. The propane and oxygen cylinders were used for turbojet engine start-up on the drones. Immediately after the launch, the drone rolled to the left.

987 "Wuzhishan" firing its CIWS (probably at a target drone that it just launched):

LCAC 3322 from the dock of 987 "Wuzhishan":

LCAC 3332 and LCAC 3330 (987 "Wuzhishan" carried three LCACs corresponding to the previous video):

987 "Wuzhishan" firing its CIWS (probably at a target drone that it just launched):

LCAC 3322 from the dock of 987 "Wuzhishan":

LCAC 3332 and LCAC 3330 (987 "Wuzhishan" carried three LCACs corresponding to the previous video):

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