071 LPD thread


Lieutenant General
Here is another pic. They need to put money in their mouth and start getting serious about Taiwan contingency. Produce this by tens
The 6th LPD Type 071, landing ship moving more than 20,000t full load, was admitted to active service yesterday by the Chinese Navy at the same time as the 10th destroyer Type 052D. Two other class buildings are currently under construction.



Junior Member
Registered Member
You mean a year?

Anyhow, a year is much less time than it takes for combatants to be commissioned from launch. This can be attributed to the quantity and complexity of sensors and weapon systems of combatants while a Type 071 only has a few self-defence systems, a relatively simple main gun, and a task group command suite.
Confused it with 986, my bad!


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
I think in case of a Taiwan incursion they will have more need for troop landing ships which can operate in those waters than more of these ships. I think they have enough.
I have my doubts about the efficiency of the LCACs. They are good for counter-insurgency operations but for a mass troop landing they seem inefficient and not robust enough.
One could argue that an helicopter carrier would be more useful than more LPDs as well.
In case China ever attempted to invade Taiwan you can bet the PLA would requisition civilian RORO ships.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
I think PLAN use of amphibious assets would be used to secure a port or beechead

The PLA would then follow with its own RORO fleet which is pretty huge

Bohai ferry fleet alone is gigantic

China could easily lift 200,000 PLA soldiers to Taiwan and 1000s of vehicles if needed

But before that the 2nd artillery corps would pretty much make sure all enemy’s is flattened before a landing

Type 071 LPD would be used for over the horizon amphibious landings that is what they are designed for speed and surprise


Registered Member
I think PLAN use of amphibious assets would be used to secure a port or beechead

The PLA would then follow with its own RORO fleet which is pretty huge

Bohai ferry fleet alone is gigantic

China could easily lift 200,000 PLA soldiers to Taiwan and 1000s of vehicles if needed

But before that the 2nd artillery corps would pretty much make sure all enemy’s is flattened before a landing

Type 071 LPD would be used for over the horizon amphibious landings that is what they are designed for speed and surprise

Such a move would be insane overkill and likely not monetary feasible for such an operation. If Beijing decides to directly move against authorities in Taipei, they would first take out rockets etc. that can hit cities with the rocket force and air force. Then follow up with a mass arrest of involved people by armed police backed up by a small contigent of airbornes and marines to disable eventual weapon caches.

Type 071s are ideal for that purpose, being able to drop a few hundred elite troops to keep the order and smoke out heavily armed rebels while the necessary arrests are carried out. Airbornes can quickly reach hotspot buildings and clear the ground for armed officers arriving by helicopters.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Check the warship tonnage 125,000 tons plus

Can anyone Identify the 233? Looks like some submarine rescue ship anyone know the class?


南缆233. Based on the convention, it's a cable-laying ship (or some other task related to undersea cable) of the South Sea Fleet.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
南缆233. Based on the convention, it's a cable-laying ship (or some other task related to undersea cable) of the South Sea Fleet.

yes found them thanks

Cable laying ship Youdian 911 II at 1,350 tons and two units like you said at SSF Nan Lan 233 and 234

interestingly also at ESF Youdian 911 II Dong Lan 868, 873, 874, 882

and also at NSF Youdian 911 II Bei Lan 764, 765