Furke 2 is an air and sea search radar, it doesn't do targeting. On Project 20380, another radar does the targeting, which is the Monument radar. This radar is hidden inside the tower mast underneath the Furke. with the mast acting as a radome. While Furke is a revolving phase array, Monument is a mechanical antenna, not unlike the MR36A in design with a curved dish and horn, not a fancy electronic scanning array. Furke is an S band rand, but Monument is likely to be an X band. (The radar on top of the bridge is the Ratep Puma radar for gun fire control, so we can disregard that).
Export versions proposed for the ship has Positiv radar on the top, and Garpun inside the mast radome. Both of these are not new designs, and there are two versions for the Positiv, one for frigate and destroyers, the other for corvette and missile boats.
250km isn't fighter or plane targets. Rather Super Refraction sounds to me like Surface Wave Propagation, which is a way of detecting and targeting ships beyond the horizon. Likewise the same for the Chinese radars, they only use a different term for it, like MOTH or Microwave Over The Horizon. The 250km is all about searching ships beyond the horizon.
I do feel now with greater probability, that the radar on the Type 056 is Type 362 which is X band and not Type 360 which is S band. The reason why Furke and Type 360 can do >250km OTH, is because they are S band. Type 362 however is an X-band, which doesn't propagate as far, so its OTH range is 120km.
The reason why I think 056 uses Type 362 is that Type 360 (LR60) requires a separate radar for the SSM, and in those ships that do have Type 360, there is the Type 352 radar for older boats, and the Type 366 (Bandstand, MR331, Mineral ME) on newer ones.
Type 352
If fitted with Type 360, Type 056 lacks any other radar for SSM, as the only other radar is the Type 347G for the gun control. The Type 366, which is housed on a large white dome usually above the bridge that has become a typical feature in many Chinese warships, is certainly not in the Type 056. Type 022, 056 and Type 055 are the only current modern naval surface combatants of the PLAN that does not have the Type 366.
Type 362 (MR36A) does have OTH targeting and SSM support, and provides this for the Type 022 and so its a pretty good bet that's the one on the Type 056, as it would leave the ship self sufficient with all its radar requirements except for gunnery control, which is filled with the Type 347G. There is no question the Type 055 has a brand new radar to fill this purpose, and quite likely, much too large for the Type 056, not to mention its power requirements.

Export versions proposed for the ship has Positiv radar on the top, and Garpun inside the mast radome. Both of these are not new designs, and there are two versions for the Positiv, one for frigate and destroyers, the other for corvette and missile boats.
250km isn't fighter or plane targets. Rather Super Refraction sounds to me like Surface Wave Propagation, which is a way of detecting and targeting ships beyond the horizon. Likewise the same for the Chinese radars, they only use a different term for it, like MOTH or Microwave Over The Horizon. The 250km is all about searching ships beyond the horizon.
I do feel now with greater probability, that the radar on the Type 056 is Type 362 which is X band and not Type 360 which is S band. The reason why Furke and Type 360 can do >250km OTH, is because they are S band. Type 362 however is an X-band, which doesn't propagate as far, so its OTH range is 120km.
The reason why I think 056 uses Type 362 is that Type 360 (LR60) requires a separate radar for the SSM, and in those ships that do have Type 360, there is the Type 352 radar for older boats, and the Type 366 (Bandstand, MR331, Mineral ME) on newer ones.
Type 352
If fitted with Type 360, Type 056 lacks any other radar for SSM, as the only other radar is the Type 347G for the gun control. The Type 366, which is housed on a large white dome usually above the bridge that has become a typical feature in many Chinese warships, is certainly not in the Type 056. Type 022, 056 and Type 055 are the only current modern naval surface combatants of the PLAN that does not have the Type 366.
Type 362 (MR36A) does have OTH targeting and SSM support, and provides this for the Type 022 and so its a pretty good bet that's the one on the Type 056, as it would leave the ship self sufficient with all its radar requirements except for gunnery control, which is filled with the Type 347G. There is no question the Type 055 has a brand new radar to fill this purpose, and quite likely, much too large for the Type 056, not to mention its power requirements.