Not really Wolf.
The LCS has suffered from an evolution that has included a lot of administrative and bureaucratic nonsense that has had to be overcome. In the configuration's that came out of would be correct in terms of you analysis.
But now they are in the process of being armed appropriately and they will certainly not be in a position where they are unable to either defend themselves or contend with peer and near peer vessels they may run up against.
Before the new ASMs and upgrades to their sensors and weaponry were decided upon fairly recently...the statements you made about the combat capabilities were true...but that is being rectified.
Yes, the 32 VLS cells for the Type 054A are better able to deal with larger attacks and some area coverage which the LCS cannot. But they have not been designed to do that...where as the Type 054A has.
The RAM missiles will allow them to defend themselves well against the types of situations they may reasonably run up against when operating either alone or in a section of two vessels.
If there is any thought that they may meet up with a large task force of similar or larger vessels, they would be tasked into a SAG which would include one or more Burkes.
As I say, in their earlier configurations the comparison to the 056 was apt. Now the LCS is expected to be more of a FFG player. it will perform ASW duties for the larger vessels, and it will be a capable anti-surface wrfare vessels as stated above.
What it will lack is the ability to contribute heavily to any area defense, or large saturation attacks.
This is a big doifference...but I expect if the PLAN expected a Type 054A to truly run up against large area defense needs, or large saturation attacks, they would end up having a 52C or 52D tasked with them as well.
It may have been point tasked for that type of environment earlier...and it will still serve well there.
buibt the changes that are being made are going to broaden its capabilities and it will be deployed accordingly.
Peraonlly, the US Navy should have designed a more capable multi-role FFG for the LCS. But they did not. They have been left with tryoing to upgrade it so that is can perfrom better...and they will be successful at it.
but the latest decision to cut their numbers to 40 means to me that the US Navy oin the next few years...probably sometime during the next administration's term, is going to present a more capable Multi-role frigate and then build 20-24 of those as well.
We will just have to wait and see.
The problem arose because of the PIVOT, and as with any apex predator that gets dumped in a totally different environment, many of the features that made it so successful in its native environment are ill suited, or a downright hinderance in the new environment and against the very different prey and competition it must now face.