asif iqbal
Lieutenant General
This brings the total to 26 x Type 056 launched
So in 38 months that's 26 units or just over 8 per year
So in 38 months that's 26 units or just over 8 per year
Maybe 2 more next to number 8, and 10. Total numbers should be 10-12 consoles to me.
mmm, don't really see why. Recall that the Type 056 is itself based on an older export-oriented design. In terms of technology, operational requirements, and budgetary constraints I see 056 as of a kind with 054 and 052C/D, rather than a long-term, 21st century solution as with 055 & 057.
As China's blue water capabilities, requirements, and taskings continue to increase, it will want a larger and more capable -- yet still affordable -- low-end unit to take over littoral taskings. My general concept is of a smaller LCS-type vessel in the range of 2000-2500 tons, without the range and 40kn+ speed requirement of those vessels. As well as improved range, endurance, and seakeeping qualities, major improvements over the existing 056 would be a full hanger facility to house 1x ASW helicopter, and modest increase in VLS cells, principally to house medium-range anti-submarine munitions such as CY-5. If possible, top speed would be increased to 30-32kn, also mostly to improve performance in the anti-submarine role.
I'm going to respond under this thread since it's about the 056.
I don't see anything wrong with using a hull design derived from an export-oriented design. A good design is a good design regardless of origin. The 056 was designed to be a littoral workhorse and the technology is mature and tested. That's what makes them affordable and avoids mission creep. If up to 60 units will be built, I don't see any need for a littoral replacement for quite a long time. Incremental improvements could be done to subsequent builds. For instance, a slightly stretched hull can provide a hangar for a larger drone. More automation to reduce crew size can enhance overall endurance. Electric propulsion could potentially enhance top speed. It's shallow draft is what enables it to perform well in the littorals, not sure what you mean by "LCS-type" and the need for more tonnage. Unlike the USN, there's no requirement here to deploy littoral warships half a world away thus needing it to have endurance and seakeeping qualities to sail across the ocean first to get to its post. What additional benefit will there be in putting a modest VLS system on a littoral vessel? If the extra tonnage is required so a hull can be large enough to handle a VLS system, haven't we moved away from the affordable parameter and increased the draft which makes them less capable of sailing in the littorals?
I won't call him out but he's being 'editing', (more like hacking up) other PLAN wiki pages as well. Really annoying with what was done to the articles related to PLAN surface ships, but then again wiki was never immune to their usual edit wars.I dont know if this is the 21st or 22nd 056 made active...........its unfortunate that someone recently went to the 056 page on 'wiki' and for some misguided reason decided to re-tabulate the data on the 056 corvette, unfortunately they made a hash of it, and lost a lot of valuable data, which is now missing!
I won't call him out but he's being 'editing', (more like hacking up) other PLAN wiki pages as well. Really annoying with what was done to the articles related to PLAN surface ships, but then again wiki was never immune to their usual edit wars.