so you agreed that at the front minimum have 7 consoles and potentially 9, I tend to believe it would be 9 as it seems to me a bank for 3 consoles and the front has 3 banks
I agree at the back should have 1 bank less .... so 9 + 6 = 15 consoles
From those pictures, I see 6 consoles in the front row (2 beyond the large grey cabinet, and 4 after it, including the partially visible one.
As I said before, the second row bank of consoles do not extend all the way to the far bulkhead as the front row does, because of the hatch and clearance needed for personnel to enter and exit the room. So I would suggest the second row contains fewer consoles, maybe as few as 3, potentially 5 at a squeeze.
Even if we allow for the same number of consoles, that only makes 12 maximum.
But realistically, I would expect a second hatch on the opposite side on the room to the visible one, or else the room represents a serious fire hazard. Even if the second hatch is to the rear of the room as opposed to be on the opposite side to the visible hatch, you still want at least two clear routes for foot traffic to be able to get to all exits.
All this means that I expect the second row of consoles to have clearance on both sides to allow the operators quick and easily accessible mutiple exit routes, so I would be surprised if it contained more than 3-4 consoles to be honest.
If I was designing that CIC, I would have the 6 primary operators up front, with the 3-4 behind them acting as command consoles for the captain, first officer etc to.
Those being command consoles could also mean that they have bigger and/or more screens than the basic operator ones, so there might be room for 4 basic consoles, but maybe that only equates to 3 command consoles.
No matter how you cut it, 12 is the maximum theoretical number of consoles based on that picture, with the reality probably between 9-10.