She is already. Explain why not? Probably you think Royal Navy or French Navy is not blue water Navy too?
The PLAN is getting there. They are operating more and more in the blue water. They are building a force that will continue that trend.
So in the sense that they can get their vessels into the blue water and send replensihment ships with them to keep them there for extended periods, they do indeed operate in the blue water. Not that often, and not that large of groups, but they are getting out there now on an increasing basis.
However, there is no world wide infrastructure to support them in this.
What bases does the PLAN have...their own bases...around the world?
How large a group can they send out for indefinite periods?
What influence do they bring to those areas far from their onw shores or immediate area of influnce on a maritime basis?
I am talking about the ability to exert the type of large influence that the PLAN can have right now within the 1st island chain in the China Sea. Where they are reconginzed as being able to exert that type of influence wherever they go.
I believe this is what kwaigonegin is talking about.
It will be decades before the PLAN has those type of capabilities and influence in place anywhere they go, and are recognized by the rest of world as such.
Right now, all of these things can be said about some other nations. If I had to place nations in five tiers regarding that type of capability it would be like this (an "x" indicates that country
has a fixed wing aoircraft carrier capability either in existance or currently building) :
1st Tier - Premiere Capability
United States Navy (x)
2nd Tier - Strong Capability
UK Royal Navy (x)
French Navy (x)
Russian Navy (x)
3rd Tier - Good Capability
Spanish Navy (x)
Italian Navy (x)
4th Tier - Some Capability
Japan's JMSDF
Australian Royal Navy
Korean Navy
Canadian Navy
Indian Navy (x)
Chinese PLAN (x)
German Navy
Israel Navy
5th Tier - Little or no capability
Brazilian Navy (x)
New Zealand Navy
Swedish Navy
Norway Navy
Indonesian Navy
Malaysian Navy
Pakistan Navy
Iranian Navy
Thailand Navy (x)
MExican Navy
Chilian Navy
Argentine Navy
Saudi Navy
Egyptian Navy
Vietnam Navy
Note, this does not mean that one or the other of these is necessarily more powerful than the other in local areas. It just relates to what bases they have abroad, what they can send aborad and have supported for long periods, and what influence they exert while doing so when they are out there, almost anywhere in the world.
Anyhow, it is more a discussion about extent of Blue Water operations and capability than it is about the ability to get their forces there.