056 class FFL/corvette

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New Member
Just a Tphuang says and much as I would like to join in and discuss other crucial matters such as the wall paper and curtain design, not to mention the distribution and style of the scatter cushions in the Torpedo Room, I would instead like to ask a far more silly and irrelevant question.

Does anyone know the rank of the Commanding Officer on these ships?

This is more than idle curiosity as I think it will have a bearing on a conversation I was having with Norfolk over a year ago.

I saw the 582 captain on a TV footage. He had 3 full bars, so he is at least a full Commander.


I saw the 582 captain on a TV footage. He had 3 full bars, so he is at least a full Commander.

It is different in Chinese Navy-4 full stripes, Senior Captain; 3 stripes, Captain; 2 full stripes, Commander; 1 full stripe, Lt. Commander. In video, the political commissioner is Commander; the ship captain, Lt. Commander.


Lieutenant General
Good e-readers can be bought in Dutch shops for about $100 and they are all made in China. I imagine PLAN could buy them for the equivalent of $10 or $20. Sailors need to have vast amounts of information at their fingertips and the printing ( and reprinting when information changes ) of all kinds of manuals and tables has been a significant expense in navies ( and airlines and many other organisations ). Using electronic documents will likely save much more money than the cost of providing everyone with a decent e-reader. That way they have the information at their fingertips literally compared with having to go to a shelf with books.
Btw after getting rid of some 4000 books we still have more books than are shown in this library.

Even if they do bring in e-readers, I think important stuff like manuals, tables and maps will always been taken in the form of hard copies, even just as a backup.

E-readers are consumer electronics and not designed for military use. I have my doubts about how well they might fair in the kinds of high emissions environment military equipment are often exposed to. Even without taking things like EM blasts from nukes or conventional EM weapons into consideration, normal emissions like those from jammers or even powerful radars might be enough to break e-readers. Then, there are work environment issues, such as exposure to moisture or being dropped to the floor if the ship was caught in rough seas etc.

Even mundane things like forgetting to charge the battery could post issues if your only manual or table was on an e-reader, and lets not forget about possible issues cropping up with software glitches or errors. Just look at the USS Guardian incident. It seems very likely that the ship would have avoided the reef if the crew had manually plotted their course on conventional maps instead of over-relying on their digital map, which turned out to be wrong.


Looks like China has really ramped up its quality and craftsmanship of its work not only on the outside but also the inside of the vessels

The gas cylinder for the inflatable in the background is secured properly, it looks like it has a valve prior to the outlet, the pipework looks neat and the general construction looks well, a positive Insight into PLAN ships and for that matter the Type 056

As far as I can tell, they got their acts together on the 054A already, and 056 isn't anything groundbreaking - it's a mature design no doubt - what interested me is the RHIB craft, while is a far cry from the single outboard engine fiber-glass hull boat on the 037-II missile boat. Y'know, even the coastal waters in the South China Sea region can get quite choppy at certain time of the year, the old small boat just won't cut it, but RHIB boat would be a big plus when comes to SAR or other mission profiles.


The Capitalist
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Thank you to A man and Yorkie.
The officer in command is a Commander.
This is excellent news as it means that for the first time, the PLAN has a modern warship that junior Officers can break their teeth on as they climb the ladder of command. It also makes the small ship look like a career move, rather than a dead end.

I was discussing with Norfolk about modernisation bottlenecks and the lack of prestige/opportunity for officers and senior ratings in the Chinese Navy. I think that 056 will play a critical role in clearing this bottle neck and be the mechanism for producing substantial talent for senior command and technical expertise into the future.


Thank you to A man and Yorkie.
The officer in command is a Commander.
This is excellent news as it means that for the first time, the PLAN has a modern warship that junior Officers can break their teeth on as they climb the ladder of command. It also makes the small ship look like a career move, rather than a dead end.

I was discussing with Norfolk about modernisation bottlenecks and the lack of prestige/opportunity for officers and senior ratings in the Chinese Navy. I think that 056 will play a critical role in clearing this bottle neck and be the mechanism for producing substantial talent for senior command and technical expertise into the future.

Agreed with your main points, but full Commanders (O-5 in USN) are 'field-grade' officers and shouldn't considered as junior-level.


Correct me if I am wrong, the current fleet status I believe is 10 launched.

Is someone having further updates or pics of new constructions?
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