^ China is not the US or Russia. What's suitable to for them may not be for China. IMO PLAN should not simply copy USN...and there's clear evidence that they're not. Generals in PLA have worked out what China needs and is building the assets for those needs.
Patrols in Gulf of Aden is close to real wartime assignments as it's going to get, short of actually going to war. It is these patrols that made the higher eschelons of PLA realise how valuable a blue water surface fleet can be, politically and militarily. I suspect this is part of the reason why we're seeing more surface combatants being built recently than submarines.
Patrols in Gulf of Aden is close to real wartime assignments as it's going to get, short of actually going to war. It is these patrols that made the higher eschelons of PLA realise how valuable a blue water surface fleet can be, politically and militarily. I suspect this is part of the reason why we're seeing more surface combatants being built recently than submarines.