I should say that according to the the thips size, number in production run, multi-functional design, and the first batch apparently designated for HK the 056 serie could wel be meant to equip a new single naval paramilitary branch, regrouping existing separate branches (coastguard, Marine surveillance, Fisheries Law Enforcement, ... ) as voiced by some concerned top brass and politicians.
If so, the heavy armament might then be used as an argument to place the new unit under direct PLA supervision.
Nah, 056 is way overarmed for coast guard mission profile, they're meant to be present when using 054A frigate is overkill or where the water is too shallow for the frigates to operate safely - and the disputed SCS regions is filled with such areas. They're meant to back the law enforcement when the other side start to commit naval assets into the mess.
As for the consolidation of the law enforcement agencies under a single umbrella establishment, don't expect anytime soon, any changes would only be after the transition of leadership at the end of this year, if they actually decided to do so that is.