055 Large Destroyer Thread II


A magazine image of 108 in underway replenishment.


Egg roll

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Its a picture from Dalian ca 2019/2020, as can be seen from checking Google Earth. There are no 055 under construction/fitting out in that area right now and in fact Liaoning is still tied up there post her drydock refit.
Yeah, my mistake for not researching further the date of the picture was taken. I apologize to everyone here for posting wrong information.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Having said that. Why do we not have any update on the two 055s under construction in Jiangnan?
are you sure there is 2 under construction right now? have you seen definitive pictures? if so this is GREAT hahaha. they need to keep pumping these babies out.


Lieutenant General
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Having said that. Why do we not have any update on the two 055s under construction in Jiangnan?

Because there is no pattern, rhyme or reason to when we get pictures, and collectively we should cherish and be grateful for the few times when we get pictures rather than expect any sort of regular release of images.