Strike weapon doesn't matter here.055 is dreadnought due to YJ21.
Even a small USV can be made to carry YJ-21.
Strike weapon doesn't matter here.055 is dreadnought due to YJ21.
If mounted properly, a fish boat can also carry Yamato's 460mm Naval Gun.Strike weapon doesn't matter here.
Even a small USV can be made to carry YJ-21.
It couldn't, that was the whole point.If mounted properly, a fish boat can also carry Yamato's 460mm Naval Gun.
The logic is, the main purpose of capital ship or dreadnought is to sink enemy ships not just anti-aircraft, it plays the center role of fleet. And to be more accurate, additionaly it shall require some tonnage. Now, find me a AEGIS Bessel with decent anti-ship capability?in modern era, this border is exactly Aegis system, i.e. combination of FCS, data environment and defensive/offensive capability.
Unlike the gun era, missiles here and nothing more than means here. Any offboard USV (or even shore truck) can do the launch
This is a dangerous path.The logic is, the main purpose of capital ship or dreadnought is to sink enemy ships not just anti-aircraft, it plays the center role of fleet. And to be more accurate, additionaly it shall require some tonnage. Now, find me a AEGIS Bessel with decent anti-ship capability?
Burke-class aren't 'capital ships' in a narrow sense(it's quite fast to build them). But they certainly play a central role, and they're certainly highly capable of sinking enemy vessels. Moreover, while Burkes themselves are relatively replaceable, "destroyer force"(with its larger battle environment) is 100% a capital investment few other nations(read: only China) can even hope to match.Are Arleigh Brukes (DDG 51-199) capital ships? Do they play a center role? Could these ships sink enemy vessels? - The answer is all NO.
So are torpedo boats.Why we call 055 a dreadnought? Because dreadnoughts are supposed to sink enemy vessels! That's apparently exceeding Arleigh Brukes' capability.
Probably add surface ship (so no subs).We shall discuss the standard of dreadnought-like ships first, two conditions shall be satisfied below -
1. It has good anti-ship capability. (excluded Arleigh Burkes, Type 002)
2. It plays the center role in its own fleet, and might requires some tonnage. (excluded torpedo gunboats, Karakurt class)
Of course it is, and it always is. You can argue A2/AD (eg. Taiwan Strait) is also a task, but it will never be done without ships.But is the role of sinking ships central to naval operations of later 20th/21 century?
No, don't add China here, the doctrine is different, Bruke can't insert YJ-21 and 052D+054A/B plays Bruke's role. Furthermore, JSMDF is an incomplete fleet, it shall be viewed as the anti-submarine branch of the US 7th Fleet.In a sense, they're indeed "dreadnoughts" of the modern US navy (same with other 1st tier navies - i.e. Chinese and Japanese ones - even if the latter can do it only because the US paid for the larger system and provides access to its advantages, and thus only for goals aligned with the US).
Unfortunately, not even close due to different doctrines adopted. Up to today, an AEGIS ship that can launch super/hypersonic SSM does not exist, because its doctrine implies it is unnecessary to do so.In a way, [battle] capability of all modern destroyers with large DP SAM system is close enough to one another. And in a large doesn't really depend that much on individual ship capability as on the capability of the overall system.
Eh, don't Tomahawks exceed 1000km?Of course it is, and it always is. You can argue A2/AD (eg. Taiwan Strait) is also a task, but it will never be done without ships.
No, don't add China here, the doctrine is different, Bruke can't insert YJ-21 and 052D+054A/B plays Bruke's role. Furthermore, JSMDF is an incomplete fleet, it shall be viewed as the anti-submarine branch of the US 7th Fleet.
Unfortunately, not even close due to different doctrines adopted. Up to today, an AEGIS ship that can launch super/hypersonic SSM does not exist, because its doctrine implies it is unnecessary to do so.
In terms of anti-ship, Arleigh Burke is only comparable to 054A FFG.
In terms of anti-air, Arleigh Burke do have its decent place.
Arleigh Burke is basically the dreadnought's guard, not the dreadnought itself.
Modern dreadnoughts' role is played by either a large aircraft carrier or a large missile cruiser, the anti-ship capability shall exceed at least 1000km.