Great pic.
Bronco Models has now come out with a 1/350 Scale Type 055 Large Destroyer. I am buying two to escort a large task force I am putting together consistnig of the Liaoning, two Type 071 LPDs, two Type 052D DDGs and two Type 054A FFGs. it will also include one or two twup 093 SSNS...all in 1/350 scale.
I wish someone would build a kit of a 1/350 scale Type 072A LST. I would buy four of them to go with this task force I am creating. A large PLAN Mphibious assault group escorted by a large Carrier Stirke Group.
It will be nice. It's a GREAT price, btu there ar some details (like the lack of a hanger...I cannot show the hanger I will have to cut the doors off and scratch build a hanger inside. My understanding is that the larger helos can fir in there...two of them, so we will see if they do, even though the Z-20 looks nie...the larger helo can carry four torpedoes (as I undrtsand it0 has longer rnge, and two of the would be able to provide continuous prosecution of an enemy sub). Also, the deck/doors for the ships bots do not open up. Oh is stall a GREAT deakl for 40 ucks and free shipping the Bronco is offering on eBay,
Here are some pics of the Bronco Model kit over the next 3-4 pages: