What on earth??? Which link did you get that picture from?
It is indeed a beautiful ship. However, I have to admit that I was wrong about the ship's naval gun. Clearly, there aren't any new designs with regard to the 055's naval gun. So in terms of pure armament, this ship still contains less firepower than ROK Navy's Sejong the Great class DDG. Nevertheless, I cannot exclude the possibilities that the 055 has more advanced sensor and fire control systems than Sejong the Great, making the former more lethal. Also, if the PLAN could commission a larger number of 055s by early 2020's, the balance of naval power in the Western Pacific could change. Still, in order to be revolutionary (meaning changing the rules of naval warfare in favor to itself), the PLAN would still need to adopt integrated electric propulsion and railguns. The 055 is "impressive, very impressive, but it is not a Jedi" (or Dreadnought), yet.Pretty confident this is legit. Poster is Red Shark, the person who's been posting the CGIs of the 055 under construction.
Edit: more
Very interesting. If this is legit we may finally know what that hump behind the stacks is for: air intakes. I have to say this is a surprising location given that it's located just forward of the aft VLS bank, which means it could potentially suck in air mixed with exhaust from a launching missile.
Unless it hasn't been installed yet.guess it confirms type 366 functions will be handled by mast sensors.
I would say that even with only 112 cells the 055 will clearly outgun the Burke, KDX-2, and Kongo/Atago destroyers, and even the Slava cruisers, assuming China will soon deploy a quad-packing missile for its universal VLS. Only the Ticonderoga, KDX-3, and Kirov will be more heavily armed.Either way, she will be the most powerful Chinese surface combatant and something that will be...in terms of pur armament...on par with the heavier western designs.
I mean the Chinese have already clipsed the armament on the Daring and Horizon classes of western Europe in terms of pure armament.
They have the US Burke flight II, the S. Korean KDX IIs, the Japanese Atago AEGIS DDGs, and of course the US Tico class cruisers in terms of pure modern armament.
You could include the Kirov and Slava Russian designs...but those are older designs and though heavily armed, probably not up to the same modern sensor and capability standards.
If you want to fight at sea you don't need 100 missiles. Sejong has so much because it's sheduled to attack land based targets in case of war with North Korea. 30-60 VLS tubes is more than enough for a modern warship. Unless it's tasks are somewhat different from 'classical' approach, like in case of Korean destroyer.Only the Ticonderoga, KDX-3, and Kirov will be more heavily armed.