054B/new generation frigate


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They need to slow down to use their own ship sonars. If they are going full speed you have to rely on your helicopters to use dipping sonars on positions ahead around the group. Burke use bow sonars and passive towed array sonars but lately some ships have upgraded to using active towed sonars (VDS by European lingo) whereas all of 052D, newer half of 054A and all of 056A come standard with VDS along with obligatory hull and passive towed sonars.
Just because a ship must slow down to use its ASW sonars, having the ability to go fast ( 30 knots) is still a useful feature.

If the Type 052D - destroyer already has towed array sonar and variable depth sonar, then I see very little reason to give the Type 054B - frigate the ability to sustain 30 knots. It does not need to "run" with the carriers. The job of frigates, destroyers, and cruisers is to complement each other, not compete against each other.


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Just because a ship must slow down to use its ASW sonars, having the ability to go fast ( 30 knots) is still a useful feature.

If the Type 052D - destroyer already has towed array sonar and variable depth sonar, then I see very little reason to give the Type 054B - frigate the ability to sustain 30 knots. It does not need to "run" with the carriers. The job of frigates, destroyers, and cruisers is to complement each other, not compete against each other.

The point is that a Frigate is supposed to be a low-cost complement to the Destroyers


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The point is that a Frigate is supposed to be a low-cost complement to the Destroyers
I agree a Frigate should be cheaper than a Destroyer and likewise a Destroyer should be cheaper than a Cruiser.
Maybe a frigate can do ASW and convoy escort, a destroyer can do ASW for the CBG, and a cruiser can do AAW?

I know convoy defense has not gotten much attention since the end of WW2. But in a WW3 scenario it's definitely coming back.


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lyman did an interesting post comparing Type 045 to Type 054B. I don't really care for the Type 045 part. However, if his information on 054B is close to accurate, then this is quite juicy details


45型驱逐舰采用S波段桑普森(Sampson)双面有源相控阵雷达,探测距离400公里。还有一具L波段 S-1850M 单面旋转式无源相控阵搜索雷达辅助。


So, Type 054B will be using dual faced radar of 3.5 m caliber? (length?). That's pretty big. I have no way of confirming that it's better than SPY-1D. Anyways, quite the large radar for a non dedicated air defense ship.



因动力不足,2022年4月首艘45型驱逐舰开始改造。动力系统改造方案:用3台功率3MW的MTU 4000vM53B柴油机替换现有的2台功率2MW瓦锡兰12V200柴油机。柴油发电机总功率增到9MW,全舰总功率增到52MW。




propulsion detail here is quite interesting. Full displacement of 5600t and regular displacement of 4900t. It uses Medium voltage Direct current IEPS. That sounds advanced, but I have no idea how advanced it is. This does make me think that the next batch of 055 will be using IEPS. Says they can reach 18knots without turning on gas turbine.

If this is all true, then the implication is that 054B has a lot of room to grow in the future into a larger ship. With more powerful gas turbine in the future, they should be able to generate even more power. That would allow for 054B to get stretched (in like a 054C) to over 6000t and fully replace 052C/D. And the top speed with a lot higher than the 28 knots for 052DE. The issue with ships like 054A and 052D was always the lower power. That meant they can't keep up with a carrier group. This new propulsion system should allow them to do that.

45型拥有48单元Sylver-50垂直发射系统,主要发射紫苑30防空导弹,射程120公里。一门Mk8 4.5英寸(114mm)舰炮,2门“密集阵”近防炮。8枚鱼叉反舰导弹。一架 EH101“梅林”重型反潜直升机。


This to me is the puzzling part. I don't mind the part of using YJ-12 launchers rather than VLS. I am quite disappointed if they are going with the same 32 cell VLS as in 054A. It is possible that they move to UVLS at a later point with a stretch. I think they should move toward a single VLS system rather than 1 for smaller ships and 1 for larger ships.


If 054B end up being under 3 billion RMB ($400 million), then it will be a pretty good price for replacing 052C/D. I remember years ago, when 054A was quoted as 1.6 billion RMB. With inflation + significantly increased capability and size. 2.5 to 3 billion RMB seems quite reasonable.


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lyman did an interesting post comparing Type 045 to Type 054B. I don't really care for the Type 045 part. However, if his information on 054B is close to accurate, then this is quite juicy details

So, Type 054B will be using dual faced radar of 3.5 m caliber? (length?). That's pretty big. I have no way of confirming that it's better than SPY-1D. Anyways, quite the large radar for a non dedicated air defense ship.

propulsion detail here is quite interesting. Full displacement of 5600t and regular displacement of 4900t. It uses Medium voltage Direct current IEPS. That sounds advanced, but I have no idea how advanced it is. This does make me think that the next batch of 055 will be using IEPS. Says they can reach 18knots without turning on gas turbine.

If this is all true, then the implication is that 054B has a lot of room to grow in the future into a larger ship. With more powerful gas turbine in the future, they should be able to generate even more power. That would allow for 054B to get stretched (in like a 054C) to over 6000t and fully replace 052C/D. And the top speed with a lot higher than the 28 knots for 052DE. The issue with ships like 054A and 052D was always the lower power. That meant they can't keep up with a carrier group. This new propulsion system should allow them to do that.

This to me is the puzzling part. I don't mind the part of using YJ-12 launchers rather than VLS. I am quite disappointed if they are going with the same 32 cell VLS as in 054A. It is possible that they move to UVLS at a later point with a stretch. I think they should move toward a single VLS system rather than 1 for smaller ships and 1 for larger ships.

If 054B end up being under 3 billion RMB ($400 million), then it will be a pretty good price for replacing 052C/D. I remember years ago, when 054A was quoted as 1.6 billion RMB. With inflation + significantly increased capability and size. 2.5 to 3 billion RMB seems quite reasonable.
Why is he calling it the Type 054B? It’s clearly a new class of ship.