054B/new generation frigate


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An interesting little detail I've just noticed. The Type-1130 CIWS on the unit at Huangpu (top image) differs from the one installed on the Jiangnan unit (bottom): the positions of their radar and optical sensors are reversed. Huangpu's unit is the first instance where the optical ball is installed on the left side. All previous Type-1130s (that I've seen) have the optical ball installed on the right side.


The housing (for both Shanghai and Guanzhou hulls) is also different to the current in-service 1130. The new one on the 054B is slightly more streamlined.

Current 1130 for comparison -



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That huge space in the middle can easily hold 16 slanted launchers. Although I don't know if it makes much sense to have that many slanted launchers. Might as well go with a VLS instead. So, ultimately I am thinking there will be a VLS there. But again, why put two types of VLS in one ship when you can have one type of VLS that can do all tasks. But they didn't put the universal VLS in the front section. So, again I am thinking maybe they do indeed have slanted lauchers instead of VLS.

This ship is just really confusing in terms of its design. Its 50% bigger than the previous ship with much better sensor suit. But then they put mid-sized HQ-16 VLS in the forward section. Then you have this huge space in the middle with nothing in it, which seems to suggest a VLS. So, its really confusing what they are trying to do with this ship.

So, one question I have. Is it really confirmed based on photo evidence that they put HQ-16 style smaller VLS in the front section? Did people do correct measurements to be sure about it?
It’s not confusing at all. You could say the same about the Constellation class frigate, which is 20% bigger with a more capable main radar yet has just 32 VLS, slanted ASM launchers amidships and a smaller main gun.

Hulls are cheap. Sensors and weapons are the primary cost components. PLAN wanted a relatively cheap platform, but with endurance to keep up with their destroyers and cruisers. That’s what the Type 054B is.

The Observer

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An interesting little detail I've just noticed. The Type-1130 CIWS on the unit at Huangpu (top image) differs from the one installed on the Jiangnan unit (bottom): the positions of their radar and optical sensors are reversed. Huangpu's unit is the first instance where the optical ball is installed on the left side. All previous Type-1130s (that I've seen) have the optical ball installed on the right side.


Are we sure none of the pictures were mirrored? That will explain the different placement of the radar & EO ball much more easily than 2 different versions of the 1130 CIWS.


Indeed there seem to be 2 different housing layout for CIWS1130. Previous photo all showed that the radar is located on the left-side of the housing. While the latest photo from by78 shows that the radar is located on the right side, and the photo is not mirrored as indicated by the Chinese characters on the red banners on the ship.

054B's CIWS1130 is different from all previous 11 barrels 30mm H/PJ14 (in 054A, 052D and 055 DDG) in radar and optronic sensor poistion on the gun housing.
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Registered Member
Are we sure none of the pictures were mirrored? That will explain the different placement of the radar & EO ball much more easily than 2 different versions of the 1130 CIWS.
There is a degree of modularity with the design, so it isn't incomprehensible that they could build a mirrored design without difficulty.
There are multiple variants already seen
1. Land based with AESA search radar (and no EO turret, but had an EO device attached to the tracking/engagement radar)
2. Land based with SAMs (However, this was LD-2000, based on Type 730)
3. Fujian with AESA tracking/engagement radar
4. Models with radar decoupled from gun

Also implied is a degree of software modularity, as in different profiles can be created/loaded for each different version.

I am curious whether the AESA dish on the Fujian provides any additional capabilities that perhaps 54B is not capable of at this time. I am not well versed on the topic, but just something that came to mind.


Registered Member
Should frigate use destroyer vls? Do they have the sensor to make full use of range of the missiles?

Latest variant of HQ-16 has 160km range. This is comparable to SM-2 already.
Just a side question. Has there actually been credible footage or news of the HQ-16F? I was under the impression that it only existed on paper for a defence expo


Registered Member
Are we sure none of the pictures were mirrored? That will explain the different placement of the radar & EO ball much more easily than 2 different versions of the 1130 CIWS.
The photo from HP is certainly not mirrored by looking at the Chinese character of the ship just in front of 054B, a coast guard ship with "海“. It can also be confirmed by banners in many other photos.

I don't have similar photos from Shanghai though, can't tell.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Just a side question. Has there actually been credible footage or news of the HQ-16F? I was under the impression that it only existed on paper for a defence expo
There are no footage of launch but there is a clip from official media describing the missile and its capabilities, which makes them credible.