054B/new generation frigate


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well we will know the mystery of the mid section as time goes on, if they STILL don't install slant launchers closer to sea trials, or even after sea trials, or even at commissioning, then even there is no top down view, we can guess that there is indeed a mid VLS.

We will get a top side picture eventually as well, so there's really no need for too much anticipation.

That said, I would hope the people pining for the idea of an amidships UVLS cell bank, to not complain too much if/when it ends up being slant launch AShMs in that location.


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More pixels = more better.


(Yes, there is more real resolvable detail here than in other recently posted images)
This ship looks amazing, like a smaller 055


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I wonder if the gap between the radar and the mast will be closed off like in the papers we see before... The gap is really messing with my OCD.

I myself have been saying that for almost month niw


We already know what it looks like when the primary array mount is complete, when it was aboard the test ship.
The gap obviously will be closed with a base structure:


These 054Bs are post launch and fitting out, of course they're going to leave the space open for access purposes.

So I don't really see why "will the gap still be there" needs to be something that is raised or asked. We already know the answer to it, and I'm pretty sure I've already given this answer at least once after the lead 054B was launched.


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We will get a top side picture eventually as well, so there's really no need for too much anticipation.

That said, I would hope the people pining for the idea of an amidships UVLS cell bank, to not complain too much if/when it ends up being slant launch AShMs in that location.
Given the side doors/openings in the area, I think that betting on VLS would not be prudent.
My guess continues to be 8x YJ-83. We will have to see though, I can definitely be wrong on this.


An interesting little detail I've just noticed. The Type-1130 CIWS on the unit at Huangpu (top image) differs from the one installed on the Jiangnan unit (bottom): the positions of their radar and optical sensors are reversed. Huangpu's unit is the first instance where the optical ball is installed on the left side. All previous Type-1130s (that I've seen) have the optical ball installed on the right side.




Given the side doors/openings in the area, I think that betting on VLS would not be prudent.
My guess continues to be 8x YJ-83. We will have to see though, I can definitely be wrong on this.

Very unlikely to have YJ-83 ... most likely scenario is 8x YJ-18 or YJ-12


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Very unlikely to have YJ-83 ... most likely scenario is 8x YJ-18 or YJ-12

That huge space in the middle can easily hold 16 slanted launchers. Although I don't know if it makes much sense to have that many slanted launchers. Might as well go with a VLS instead. So, ultimately I am thinking there will be a VLS there. But again, why put two types of VLS in one ship when you can have one type of VLS that can do all tasks. But they didn't put the universal VLS in the front section. So, again I am thinking maybe they do indeed have slanted lauchers instead of VLS.

This ship is just really confusing in terms of its design. Its 50% bigger than the previous ship with much better sensor suit. But then they put mid-sized HQ-16 VLS in the forward section. Then you have this huge space in the middle with nothing in it, which seems to suggest a VLS. So, its really confusing what they are trying to do with this ship.

So, one question I have. Is it really confirmed based on photo evidence that they put HQ-16 style smaller VLS in the front section? Did people do correct measurements to be sure about it?
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That huge space in the middle can easily hold 16 slanted launchers. Although I don't know if it makes much sense to have that many slanted launchers. Might as well go with a VLS instead. So, ultimately I am thinking there will be a VLS there. But again, why put two types of VLS in one ship when you can have one type of VLS that can do all tasks. But they didn't put the universal VLS in the front section. So, again I am thinking maybe they do indeed have slanted lauchers instead of VLS.

This ship is just really confusing in terms of its design. Its 50% bigger than the previous ship with much better sensor suit. But then they put mid-sized HQ-16 VLS in the forward section. Then you have this huge space in the middle with nothing in it, which seems to suggest a VLS. So, its really confusing what they are trying to do with this ship.

So, one question I have. Is it really confirmed based on photo evidence that they put HQ-16 style smaller VLS in the front section? Did people do correct measurements to be sure about it?

Just wait a little while, we will know for sure, perhaps in 1-2 months .. hopefully

My view is the middle might have 16 VLS and at least 8x YJ-18 or YJ-12