054B/new generation frigate


Registered Member
It's more complex.

054A (and now likely B) are normal frigates. A lot of independent secondary job (below fleet), (regional, we shall see if 054B will be more global) trade protection duties. They of course can work with squadrons (for that matter, so can 056As, there is no legal prohibition), but from the propulsion choice, we can immediately say it was not the main consideration. The same consideration leads to their consistent 'medium' choice of everything. It's Fleet units that often go to extremes.
054s your stereotypical rank-and-file, do-the-job ships. Arguably, one of the purest of this type in the modern world.

Akizuki/Asahi are fleet escorts first and foremost - i.e. their Chinese equivalent, with a significant caveat, is 052D.
A significant caveat being, 052D is general purpose/multirole(a smaller non-flag 055), when Akizuki are specific AA escorts (ESSM carriers) and Asahi are ASW ones for their "true" guided missile destroyers (mostly tasked with exactly that - carrying task-specific large missiles).
JMSDF has a much firmer work distribution than it's normal for others. That makes them into a bad analogy quite often.

Type 26, are, instead, a RNs main GP combatants - their AA is not even on a proper group protection level (100kg missiles, lol);
they aim for powerful ASW(which everyone readily notices), but also at powerful heavy missile strike (which, for some reason, people miss). Their gun is specifically a specifically DP weapon, too.
If anything, they're almost Russian-styled in their purpose and design: analogies with Russian/Indian vessels are striking.
Hou do you see the Constellation FFGs, in this regard? Closer to 054A/B (i.e. normal frigates), Akizuki/Asahi (i.e. specific-role fleet escorts), or Type 26/Admiral Gorshkov/Nilgiri (i.e. general-purpose combatants)?


Registered Member
Hou do you see the Constellation FFGs, in this regard? Closer to 054A/B (i.e. normal frigates), Akizuki/Asahi (i.e. specific-role fleet escorts), or Type 26/Admiral Gorshkov/Nilgiri (i.e. general-purpose combatants)?
The first batch is in-between 1+2.
Constellations are a global 'trade protection' design, one much cheaper than Burke to procure and run, and good at independent operations.
At the same time, they're certainly capable supplementary fleet escorts.
Price of being both is of course their size. And cost.

Congress tries its best to make them into second-class destroyers, though.

p.s. for the sake of clarity - it's perhaps better to call the 1st group "GP". Those ships are expressly secondary to main combatants of their navies - but can do all the mundane tasks on their own, w/o deploying more expensive assets.
The simplest form of GP frigate - is a ship specifically capable only of basic ASuW and AAW; peacetime/calm rear area "big" enforcer.
The more they're intended to be true "trade protection" ships(in old maritime theory sense) - the better-rounded they are.

The 3rd group, while is also all-purpose, is mostly about the most capable combatants of their respective navies. They are either themselves their core fleet combatants or their dedicated fleet designs have no clear status/price edge over them, being specialized escort designs of some kind - like AA frigates or destroyers in name only(Darings).
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(1)052Ds are already stretched designs. Hangars aren't exactly weightless, and they're big facility weights up high (just a reminder - they're also nasty fire hazards, since DC is recently a hot topic on this forum; kind reminder of the WW2 experience). Especially when they aren't empty, which leads us to /2/.

(2)Do you have enough shipborne helicopters? Helicopters don't pop up magically just by adding a hangar. Ironically, the scale of Chinese shipbuilding makes it an acute problem. Helicopters need numbers, they need to keep up with possible operational and combat losses. If you don't easily overfill ships even in peacetime - maybe scale down the requirement?

(3)It isn't absolutely necessary to have a hangar per helicopter. Helicopters can live and be resupplied on helideck - in fact, for combat use it's normal, because their reaction time this way is massively better. Yes, the weather will kill some occasionally - but if you want more helicopters and operations - that's the nature of things.

(4) Helicopter requirement doesn't scale up linearly when ships operate in squadrons, especially around carriers. Only vessels going independent cruising are consistently dependent on their full onboard airwing.
Some of your points are all valid however they remained excuses. As to not making enough helos, that's a not a valid excuse. I'm 10000% sure making Z20s etc. is not a major constraint for China's MIC.
A modern destroyer designed in the late 2000s (052DL) SHOULD have facilities for 2 onboard helos. It's a huge oversight in my opinion.
This comes from decades of experience where 1 unit is simply inadequate.
Unless PLAN intends to never operate outside of the 1st island chain this may potentially cause issues.
When you have 2, you have almost a 100% helo availability.
When you are sub hunting a 2 ship helo working in concert scales up effectiveness in a few order of magnitudes. When you launched torpedoes from 2 diffetent vectors you up the probability hit significantly.
Even if you just use one they can take turns to refuel for continous time on station.. etc.
If one goes down there is another for immediate SAR.
The advantages of having 2 vs 1 in the high seas is a forgone conclusion and an absolute MUST for any vessels over 7k tons intending on operating outside the comfort zone. Even more so for PLAN with very limited FOBs.
054A (and now likely B) are normal frigates. A lot of independent secondary job (below fleet), (regional, we shall see if 054B will be more global) trade protection duties. They of course can work with squadrons (for that matter, so can 056As, there is no legal prohibition), but from the propulsion choice, we can immediately say it was not the main consideration. The same consideration leads to their consistent 'medium' choice of everything. It's Fleet units that often go to extremes.
054s your stereotypical rank-and-file, do-the-job ships. Arguably, one of the purest of this type in the modern world.
What about providing ASW picket for carrier task forces?

For the foreseeable future, there will be sufficient numbers of 054A to carry out the general purpose frigate duties, escort, trade protection / interdiction, etc. With (probable) IEP and higher speeds (fast enough to keep up with carrier groups), wouldn't it make sense to see 054Bs serving as ASW screen/picket for carrier groups?

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
(1)052Ds are already stretched designs. Hangars aren't exactly weightless, and they're big facility weights up high (just a reminder - they're also nasty fire hazards, since DC is recently a hot topic on this forum; kind reminder of the WW2 experience). Especially when they aren't empty, which leads us to /2/.

(2)Do you have enough shipborne helicopters? Helicopters don't pop up magically just by adding a hangar. Ironically, the scale of Chinese shipbuilding makes it an acute problem. Helicopters need numbers, they need to keep up with possible operational and combat losses. If you don't easily overfill ships even in peacetime - maybe scale down the requirement?

(3)It isn't absolutely necessary to have a hangar per helicopter. Helicopters can live and be resupplied on helideck - in fact, for combat use it's normal, because their reaction time this way is massively better. Yes, the weather will kill some occasionally - but if you want more helicopters and operations - that's the nature of things.

(4) Helicopter requirement doesn't scale up linearly when ships operate in squadrons, especially around carriers. Only vessels going independent cruising are consistently dependent on their full onboard airwing.

1- so China didnt build twin hangers because they are a fire hazard ? what kind of thinking is it

2- you need to prioritise the requirements

3- yes it is because long on range deployment the salt will kill the chopper not to mention see state

4- no ASW DDG job is to sweep for submarines, it has to have its own assets to do so


Junior Member
Registered Member
051B has similar displacement and dimensions to 054B. 32 cell VLS, 16 slant YJ-12, 2 CIWS. And 2 hangars for Ka-27. I rest my case.
Interestingly, the Japanese Kongo class destroyers , built around the same time as type 051B but much bigger at 9500 tons, have no helicopter hangars at all, just helicopter decks.