054/A FFG Thread II


Registered Member
Posted in conjunction with the 054B FFG thread.

A 054-mod cutter with a 054B FFG in the background fitting out at Huangpu-Wenchong. One warship's bow section (likely belonging to a 054AG FFG) can be seen laid out of the assemly hall to the right.

No idea of the date of which these photos are taken. Posted by @liang拉风 on Weibo.


This time with yet another cutter of the same class moored right alongside at the same shipyard.


Another one on the floating drydock. Not sure if this cutter is new.

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New Member
Registered Member
Posted in conjunction with the 054B FFG thread.

A 054-mod cutter with a 054B FFG in the background fitting out at Huangpu-Wenchong. One warship's bow section (likely belonging to a 054AG FFG) can be seen laid out of the assemly hall to the right.

No idea of the date of which these photos are taken. Posted by @liang拉风 on Weibo.

View attachment 134082
View attachment 134083
View attachment 134084

This time with yet another cutter of the same class moored right alongside at the same shipyard.

View attachment 134087

Another one on the floating drydock. Not sure if this cutter is new.

View attachment 134088

Будут ли эти корабли береговой охраны участвовать в каком-либо потенциальном кордоне морской блокады?

Если бы я был военным планировщиком НОАК, я бы установил на этих кораблях несколько систем ближнего боя. Ничего с большой дальностью, а чисто для точечной обороны корабля.


Registered Member
Будут ли эти корабли береговой охраны участвовать в каком-либо потенциальном кордоне морской блокады?

Если бы я был военным планировщиком НОАК, я бы установил на этих кораблях несколько систем ближнего боя. Ничего с большой дальностью, а чисто для точечной обороны корабля.

Yes, the 054-mod cutters do have close-in defensive weapons installed, namely one 76mm naval gun on the front and one Type 630 CIWS on either side of the ship.

Also, please use English for future postings.
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New Member
Registered Member
Yes, the 054-mod cutters do have close-in defensive weapons installed, namely one 76mm naval gun on the front and one Type 630 CIWS on either side of the ship.

Also, please use English for future postings.

Sorry, once in a while I forget this is an English only forum.

Are you sure that those small calibre cannons on the sides are type 630 CIWS ?


New Member
Registered Member
Posted in conjunction with the 054B FFG thread.

A 054-mod cutter with a 054B FFG in the background fitting out at Huangpu-Wenchong. One warship's bow section (likely belonging to a 054AG FFG) can be seen laid out of the assemly hall to the right.

No idea of the date of which these photos are taken. Posted by @liang拉风 on Weibo.

View attachment 134082
View attachment 134083
View attachment 134084

This time with yet another cutter of the same class moored right alongside at the same shipyard.

View attachment 134087

Another one on the floating drydock. Not sure if this cutter is new.

View attachment 134088
looks like one of the ex-PLAN 056 corvettes, needs a hull cleaning!