There is some progress on the 054 refit front, gathered some pics from different sources including from the PDF via LKJ86.
This is how one of the 054 looked pre-refit as of 2015. This image is courtesy of the JSMDF.
Note where the Type 344 and 345 radars are standing on top of the bridge. There is a platform for the Type 345 radar, which acts as the FCR for the HQ-7, and on top of that, a second platform for the Type 344 radar, which is the FCR for the main 90mm gun. Also note towards the rear, on top of the hanger, there is a platform with a Type 347 radar on it, this acts as the fire control radar for the four AK-630 guns.
Here one of the ships as she is moored, and has been totally stripped. For now the two platforms are preserved.
But once the ship is in dry dock, some work has been taking place. Now notice the platform for the Type 345 radar has been removed. We are not going to see this radar used again, as the HQ-7 has been removed and all the places where the HQ-7 launcher and cache would occupy is now sealed off. But note that the platform for the Type 344 radar is still there.
In the latest picture, the platform for the Type 344 gunnery radar has been removed. This points to the Type 344 radar is not going to be used with this ship anymore, and by direct correlation, the guns it services, which is either the single 90mm gun, twin 100mm gun or the 127mm gun you see on destroyers. This means the previous main gun is no more, and won't be returned in the refit. Now the space on top of the bridge looks much more like a Type 054A's. At this point, its likely a Type 347 fire control radar will be installed instead, and with that radar, the ship gets your typical 76mm gun.
The large clearance of space on top of the bridge opens the door to a lot of things, such as installation of other radars and so on. On the 054A, this space is occupied by the dome of a Type 366 antiship radar and two Front Domes as targeting for the HQ-16.
Next picture we see portable air conditioning and oxygen bottles used for welding. So something is going on underneath the former HQ-7 platform.
Next is the picture at the back. The platform on top of the hanger is for a Type 347 radar, which is used for gunnery fire control for the AK-630s. It has not been removed, and it is even primered for a new paint. The retention of the platform suggests they may put a radar or something on it. Its possible the Type 347 radar there will be returned and the ship will keep its four AK-630 CIWS. They might also change the Type 347 radar there to the Type 349, which is similar to the 347 but has a flat face dome instead of a conical rice farmer hat dome. The Type 349 is used on the Type 071 and on the 136/137 DD refits as the gunnery fire control for the AK-630s, so the 349 is the current standard FCR for use with these guns.
There is also a few other possibilities for this platform's retention is that it can be for a SATCOM, or they might put a Type 517 or even a Type 520 (the 052DL's "Fly Swatter"). My opinion is that these possibilities might be lower but anything can go. But for now I lean that a Type 347 or 349 will be installed there with the Type 349 as the stronger possibility, and the four AK-630s will be retained, as in the Chinese version with the stealth turrets.