Even though the resultant of a newer optimized frigate maybe lower maintenance, upgrade costs, Getting there would require maintenance and operating crew to be trained in entirely new SOPs, production shipyards to learn new tech.
Also midlife upgrades would require more exclusive systems. Basically, two ship lines, of comparable capability, of x number of ships will always have more overhead costs per unit compared one ship line with 2x number of ships.
I don't know to what extent new SOP is needed, when you can still use the same QD280 gas turbines and 20V MTU engines.
Right now, you are already forced to train on two different SOP for 052D and 054A, with 055 closer to 052D, but still many things different. Another problem is the wide range of radar systems on board from the 054A to the 052D and to the 055.
Future Frigate should rely on the proven power trains of QD280 and 20V MTU engines, which gives it greater commonality with the 052D, as opposed to the SMT Pielstik engines of the 054A. Our electronics and radar kit should be derived with great commonality with the 055. Standardization across the board with U-VLS and weapons compatible with it, e,g. HQ-9, YJ-18, and so on, instead of having a different set caused by AJK-16 VLS using HQ-16, YU-8, and slant fired YJ-83. The Future Frigate or Light Destroyer is much more like a mini scaled down 055 based on the 052.
I understand freeing up weight on one side Orbat to increase freedom of budget on the other. However, current production rate of 4x 052d, 2x 055 per annum doesn't seem hard to maintain. Adding an extra line would cut into these numbers.
052d is equipped(strictly in terms of electronics) to the tune of a heavy frigate like Akizuki instead of a ship of the line like type 45, AB class, So I think they already might have made a certain bit of sacrifice to make this line more affordable and sustain it longer at lower costs.
What makes you think this should be built in Jiangnan and Dalian? I am thinking of a ship that can be built in Hudong Zhonghua and Guandong Huangpu.
052D is not equipped to the tune of a heavy frigate like Akizuki. The size of Type 346A panels is bigger than SPY-1D and is about the size of SPY-6 of the Flight III Burke, probably about 4.3 meters across. The size and weight of these panels makes it necessary to put them lower in a deckhouse than above the bridge. What I am proposing is much more like the Akizuki. 052D also has a high redundancy with its radar sets, because in addition to the Type 346A, it has four other radar sets, not counting navigation radars. You have Type 364 surface search radar for spotting sea skimmers; Type 366 for antiship engagement, including over the horizon, cooperative and passive engagement capability; Type 344 for gun fire control; Type 517M or the new VHF array.
I like to see all those radars chopped off the ship and consolidated into fewer radars. Delete the VHF array, we will rely on sensor sharing via CEC with existing 052D and 055. Type 364, 366 and 344 can be combined into a single four faced X-band array like on the Type 055, or the same set as on the Type 055. The use of a smaller AESA search radar that uses Gallium Nitride, can provide you with a much more compact set that you can set on an integrated mast from a higher search position that can scan an extended search horizon, while able to provide near the performance of the much larger Type 346A set.
The whole ship is simplified. Less extra radars, means less power consumption, needs less maintenance crews on each of them. These old mechanical radars need to be mechanically overhauled time to time, and the use of AESA fixes that. You only need to replace broken modules from the inside, and recalibrate the array electronically. With fewer radar sets, you need less cables, less back end electronic cabinets, you have less workstations and need less crews to man them. You are now down to only two sets of radars to man and maintain, instead of five on the 052D and five on the 054A, with two radar sets unique to the 052D and two radar sets that are unique to the 054A:
Type 346A on the Type 052D
Type 364 both shared on the 052D and 054A
Type 366 both shared on the 052D and 054A
Type 344 both shared on the 052D and 054A
Type 382 on the 054A
Type 345? (MR90 missile directors) on the 054A.
Type 517M (VHF array) on the 052D
New VHF array on the 052DL
That's like eight different radars to maintain and train people on. This is what all the technicians in the destroyer flotillas have to deal with currently.
My proposed frigate or light destroyer goes like this.
Mini Type 346X, uses parts from the 052D and 055.
Fixed set X-band AESA from the 055.
That's only two sets and you're sharing the expertise for manning and maintaining with the 055. Furthermore, the replacement for the 052D can use an upscaled Type 346 and repeat using the same X-band radar. So all three classes of ships from the future frigate, the 052D replacement and the 055 all share the same radars, the same commonality of manning and maintenance. Along with the commonality, the mass production into making these components in large volume also drives down the costs of the radars further, making all three ships even more affordable.