.............So question comes to mind, which oversea country will house a Chinese naval fleet? Gwader anyone, Karachi can provide the overhaul and repair ability for Chinese warships too which would be beneficial to China, it's very strategic location
A Flotilla of Chinese warships in another country would be a exciting development in the future and allow it a quick reaction force to any threat to Chinese interests in the region, showing military muscle is a important deterrence which fulfills foreign policy's
Just wondering what kind of VLS system the new FFG will have, one which can launch assortment of missiles I guess
Recently many nations have built overseas bases and France seems to be the major European power that has seem the most success with naval bases from West coast of Africa to UAE, this is from 2009
News in February 2013 Warship magazine is now that the Royal Navy is thinking of relieving some of the pressure off the US 5th fleet in the Persian Gulf and stationing its soon to be Queen Elizabeth carrier in the Persian Gulf in 2020 along with full complement of airwing and carrier escorts which includes the world best AAW combatant the Type 45 DDG
However Americans have said for this to happen the Type 45 needs to be upgraded with anti-ballistic missile technology, because of the Iranian missile threat, something which is now under consideration by UK
It might turn out that UK even adds in Tomahawk and ABM to its fleet of DDG which would be great news
So question comes to mind, which oversea country will house a Chinese naval fleet? Gwader anyone, Karachi can provide the overhaul and repair ability for Chinese warships too which would be beneficial to China, it's very strategic location
A Flotilla of Chinese warships in another country would be a exciting development in the future and allow it a quick reaction force to any threat to Chinese interests in the region, showing military muscle is a important deterrence which fulfills foreign policy's
Just wondering what kind of VLS system the new FFG will have, one which can launch assortment of missiles I guess
Oh come on, plawolf...lighten up a bit.The UK has taken some flack from the US over the years, but this really takes the biscuit.
The UK desperately need to learn to stand up for itself and tell the US to go do anatomically improbable things to itself from time to time and stop being so pathetically sacred the yanks might dump them..
Come to think of it the production for the Type 054A will soon exceed the La Fayette-class frigates, a milestone achievement
Though naturally I expect any 054B to feature four 8 cell modules at least, probably on a larger, non-054-derived hull.
This is what I imagine the 054B would roughly look like. I do see two problems with this design. The B position looks like it has a 4x8 bank of VLS with 8 cells going from port to starboard instead of bow to stern like in the current 054A. This is pretty much impossible unless the 054B is a wider design. If the ship is a true "054B" it would be an evolution of the 054 hull, which probably would not involve a massive redesign like it would take to widen the hull.054B, 054A+++, or Just A Wet Dream?
If you take a 2x4 CCL module (let's call 2 the "width" and 4 the "length") and compare it to a 2x4 Mk 41-type VLS, you can easily see that the width would not increase much, if at all, because of the presence of the vent in the middle of the Mk 41 module that would no longer be present in the CCL module and could soak up some expansion of the cells width-wise. The length, however, would definitely increase.I would not group Formidable class together with the original La Fayette (even more so for the Kang Ding). The difference between these ships is as great if not greater than F22P vs 054 vs 054A. (though F22P is 053H3 based, it's size and armament is comparable to 054.)
I would expect 4 x 8 cell CCL with minimum modification of the hull (just stretching the hull for 2 meters seems to be enough). The HQ16s are huge missiles, the VLS on 052D doesn't seem significantly larger than the one on 054A.