054/A FFG Thread II

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
certainly looks like it, and if that is units 9 and 10 then we have one hell of a production run for Type 054A

when building ships it’s easy to just continue, you establish the production base and expertise, you learn and you have installed a world class ship building capability in addition the more you build the less the unit cost per ship and before you know it you have 20 of these ships!!

Shame Royal Navy didn’t do the same with the production of the Type 45 DDG, if 12 were built we could have lowered the unit cost added in the Tomahawks and anti-ship missiles and still saved on unit cost

Nevertheless we can now expect to see unit 20 and beyond HD will launch unit 11 soon, I am hoping we now see a streamlined production for the Type 052Ds


certainly looks like it, and if that is units 9 and 10 then we have one hell of a production run for Type 054A

when building ships it’s easy to just continue, you establish the production base and expertise, you learn and you have installed a world class ship building capability in addition the more you build the less the unit cost per ship and before you know it you have 20 of these ships!!

Shame Royal Navy didn’t do the same with the production of the Type 45 DDG, if 12 were built we could have lowered the unit cost added in the Tomahawks and anti-ship missiles and still saved on unit cost

Nevertheless we can now expect to see unit 20 and beyond HD will launch unit 11 soon, I am hoping we now see a streamlined production for the Type 052Ds

Auto Translation From HSH

Original title [Jane's: China plans to sell Thailand three Type 054 frigate (Figure)

World Wide Web Roundup: According to the British "Jane's Defense Weekly" website January 29 reported that informed sources, Thailand and China have been negotiating, the Chinese plan to sell to Thailand three Type 054 frigate, a contract valued at $ 1 billion.

Jane's said, the Thai Navy hopes to buy multi-purpose frigate, China to Thailand recommended a 054-type Jiang Kai-class frigates, and U.S. arms manufacturers to sell the Littoral Combat Ship expand the direct competition, the Thai Navy reportedly tend to buy warships from the United States, Europe or Korea, but the Thai government was inclined to buy from China, and Type 054 frigate is a very Western warships Value alternatives. Moreover, from a logistical point of view, select Chinese warships also very beneficial, because the Thai Navy has been a lot of Chinese-made ship.

Jane's said that China and Thailand if the deal is successful, China will be Thailand transfer of technology to facilitate maintenance, and some of the parts can be produced locally in Thailand. Type 054 frigate. about 4,000 tons, is 135 meters long, about eight years ago to enter the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy.

Jane's that Thailand's move to buy 054-type frigates from China, and Thailand has been on the 1990s, Thailand from Hudong Shipyard purchased two "nale Chung while maintaining close contact on defense and naval trade. grace "class frigates (the case of the 053-type frigate), and from the shipyard in 2005 to receive two" Pata Ni offshore patrol China also from design and technology to help Thailand localization of multiple-launch rocket system development and production in China hundreds of armored personnel carriers to the Royal Thai Army.





asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
It is unfortunate that Pakistan and Thailand navy’s have different requirements otherwise we could have jointly purchased our FFG together, 4 for PN and 3 for Thailand, total 7 FFG, it would have given us a common platform and reduced the unit price while at the same time providing very good naval ties

For Pakistan 3 can be built in China with the last one built locally, and 2 can be built in China and 1 locally for Thailand, I would guess that PN would also be getting 6-8 x Z9C helos and Thailand about the same-ish

But PN will not be facing the Indian Navy on the high seas, rather it is a defensive force which will defend any attack and then catch the Indian surface fleet on the counter-attack which will use the air launched anti-ship missiles to decimate the Indian surface fleet, which is why the Naval squadron of JF17 will be based at PNS Masroor and Chinese built ZDK-03 AWACS is already home stationed at that base which is very strategically located right on the Arabian sea

An well organised, synchronised, and well-co-ordinated air attack by fast fighter jets will be causing havoc to any surface combatant which will come close to Pakistan’s shores, succeeding where Argentinean Air Force failed in 1982 against the Royal Navy, by training, training and then more training until we reach perfection then we train again on how to attack warships at sea, these are exciting times

But anyway lets hope we see these FFG orders materialising this year, it will be good for China that their long Type 54A production run has also secured some export orders

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Is it 054 or 054A ? .... I am sure it is 054.

China wouldn't sell 054A/B (yet)
Well, the Jane's article said:

Jane's said:
China to Thailand recommended a 054-type Jiang Kai-class frigate, and U.S. arms manufacturers to sell the Littoral Combat Ship expand the direct competition, the Thai Navy reportedly tend to buy warships from the United States, Europe or Korea, but the Thai government was inclined to buy from China, and Type 054 frigate is a very Western warships Value alternatives. Moreover, from a logistical point of view, select Chinese warships also very beneficial, because the Thai Navy has been a lot of Chinese-made ship.

Jane's said that China and Thailand if the deal is successful, China will be Thailand transfer of technology to facilitate maintenance, and some of the parts can be produced locally in Thailand. Type 054 frigate. about 4,000 tons, is 135 meters long, about eight years ago to enter the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy.
So, it clearly states Type 054 and when you consider the AAW loadout on the Type 054, it is using the HQ-7 which is basically a Chinese make of the French Crotale.

Anyhow, I wonder if China is talking about selling the two vessels already in inventory, or building all three new ships? Perhaps they are talking about the existing two vessels and building only one...or even all three. Buth that would take up space in a naval shipyard building vessels already out of date...unless they believe they can sell quite a few to other countries and thus make some good money off of them.


I tend to believe, China would keep the two 054s. It's still useful for ASW and for the SAM, can be upgraded with the better than HQ-7, perhaps 4 sets of 24 cell HQ-10 would be much better plus 2 new Chinese CIWS


Video: 113, 546, 538 Task Force



Senior Member
Good point, though, aren't the Thais known for ordering ships from China and then having Western weapon suites installed? So would it matter then?

That will be out of question. First western arm embargo is still on China. Plus price for western suit will be a issue. Precisely Thai Navy looking for China for armament is due to limited budget. An all Chinese warship will give the most out of the bucks!