052C/052D Class Destroyers


Registered Member
From @勤劳朴实罗素里 on Weibo:


If my information source is correct, then the 4th batch of the 052D/DG DDGs (i.e. #135 Dazhou and her sisters) would be its final batch - And hence, the final batch/units of the entire 052 family series.

Namely, what comes after the 052D/DG-class would be known as the 05X/06X-class DDGs, instead of 052E/052X-class DDGs.


Registered Member
Suggests a different propulsion arrangement. 052 series is CODOG, 055 is COGAG, 054 is CODAD, so whatever comes next likely something different, maybe CODLAG.

Yes. In fact, there have been many naval institutes in China (including the ones who designed the propulsion system for the 055 DDG) which published papers and patents on CODLAG propulsion systems over the past few years.

Hence, I think it is conceivable that the 052D/DG-class successor DDGs would be using CODLAG propulsion system (and the same goes for the 055-class successor class DDGs/CGs).


Junior Member
Registered Member
Why not full IEP ? i'm curious
Probably a mix of cost and lack of necessity. The whole point, or at least 80% of adopting an IPS or IPES system was to enable high energy weapons like railguns and directed energy and such; both of which have foggy prospects at best. Space is probably also an issue for PLAN who needs to min-max on workhorse DDGs for the future. IPES needs energy storage and more space than CODLAG.


Registered Member
Probably a mix of cost and lack of necessity. The whole point, or at least 80% of adopting an IPS or IPES system was to enable high energy weapons like railguns and directed energy and such; both of which have foggy prospects at best. Space is probably also an issue for PLAN who needs to min-max on workhorse DDGs for the future. IPES needs energy storage and more space than CODLAG.9

There's also the concerns on weight and reliability of IPS or IEPS.

Larger warships such as the LPD and LHDs have much larger space and weight allowances for IEP or IPES, features that smaller warships like DDGs and FFGs are lacking,

Iron Man

Registered Member
Darings are 8,500t ships using IEP, not anywhere close to a 055 in displacement. I think even a smaller platform like a 052D successor (assuming there is one) could utilize IEP, which has benefits in fuel efficiency and space above mere exotic uses like high energy weapons.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Darings are 8,500t ships using IEP, not anywhere close to a 055 in displacement. I think even a smaller platform like a 052D successor (assuming there is one) could utilize IEP, which has benefits in fuel efficiency and space above mere exotic uses like high energy weapons.
The Daring class is one of if not the single worst example of IEP warships. Granted, a lot of it comes down to the unreliability of the WR-21 in tropical conditions and a very badly designed grid which is now being somewhat alleviated with the PIP upgrade.

Still, despite being an IEP ship, Darings are notoriously noisy, negating any sort of advantage in anti-submarine warfare. The dilemma of these types of ships is what you want the IEP system to do. If all you do is just channel power generated from your engines to the propellors through electric motors, that's not a very distinct advantage at all. By having electric motors as the middle man, not only does it take up more weight and space, but a not negligible bit of power gets lost in the process. Not to mention the added cost compared to a traditional and very mature mechanical system.

Fuel efficiency and endurance are relatively not that noticeable problems for PLAN DDGs since 052Ds are CODOG ships and 055s have a cross-connect gearbox, allowing them to drive twin props with just one GT. High energy weapon is just another area of hopeful systems that doesn't actually translate that well into actual capabilities. Railguns are pretty much a bust atm and directed energy systems don't eat up that much power anyway. Whatever extra power needed can be provided by simply having more generators as 055 does.

The Queen Elizabeth, on the other hand, is a good example of why such systems are easier choices for capital ships such as aircraft carriers. A major advantage comes from a much more liberal placement of its main "engines" or "generators." IEP allows QE to place her two GTGs and 4 DGs in a pair under each island, allowing for the elimination of complicated GT air intake and exhaust placement within the hull. Now, whether or not you would want to do this is another topic but certainly IEP allows more optimal placement of engines within the hull since capital ships have enough space to do this. Surface combatants, on the other hand, however you do it, chances are the engines are still going to be where they are regardless of IEP or mechanical drive.