Again this seems very plausible, in that it reflects sensible reasoning and coheres with the limited information that is available, however to say that something is plausible is very different from being able to assert with any degree of confidence that it is actually going to happen.
On a related note, this pennant-based reasoning would seem to suggest that there will only be sixteen 055s, as 117-124 are already assigned to 052Ds. I hope that 055 numbers are not ultimately so limited.
That's why I theorized that 117 to 119 will be renumbered 127 to 129. 117 and 118 are currently with the 1st Destroyer Division, just like 112, 113, 115 and 116. My theory suggests that 117 and 118 will be transferred to the nearby 10th Destroyer Division and renumbered 127 and 127. 119 is already part of the 10th, but will be conveniently renumbered to 129. This let's the 10th to have the more logical numbering of 120 to 129, as every Destroyer division begins either with a 0 or 1 and ends with a 9, with the middle digit the Destroyer number. The 1st Destroyer Division will entirely consist of up to 10 055s at the very max, allowing for 117, 118 and 119 to be used for 055s.
Another theory of mine points to the SSF 055s will form a new Destroyer Division separate from the 9th. The 9th will in turn complete its pennants from 170 to 179, adding four new 052D from 176 to 179. This theory goes that the 055s at the South Sea Fleet will be their own group, with their own logistical and command structure separate from the 052C/D based groups.
Finally there will be only two 055 based Destroyer Divisions at the start, one at the north which will be the 1st Destroyer Dvision, and the other at the south, which will be a new Division on its own. Three pennant groups remain in reserve, 14X, 18X, and 19X, which can be for new divisions and ship types.