Anyone know if the 052E (if it ever becomes a reality) will retain the VHF array or have a miniature radar system of the 055.
I keep wondering about that. Removing the antenna can open the area for another 16 VLS. Of course that may require that the ship may have to be structurally redrawn in that area. Even if its reduced in size, it won't be that much, and it may still be the same size as the 346A. The difference would be the modules used, going from GaAs to GaN. If there are power and heat limitations, you don't need a smaller array, you just reduce the peak power to it for the transmission. But you will still have the superior sensitivity and the angular resolution from a larger array when it comes to receiving. For power, perhaps three 5MW generators --- half of the 055's six generators might be enough, considering that's still more power than a Flight III Burke.
Comparison of the old and new antenna. The old elements are Yagis with eight facing one side, on a 2 x 4 arrangement, the new ones are loops, back to back arrays, 2 x 8 at one side, 2 x 8 at the other, doubling the number of elements and doubling update rate if the antenna turns at the same speed.