How can you be sure that DDG-161 was not yet commissioned when this photo was taken?
You are linking to the Dafengcao tweet in September 12, 2018 saying Hohhot is commissioned, and yet that's the very same photo of the crew "retiring".

The commissioning of 161 took place in January 12, 2019. This is a dual ceremony with tanker 984.
It also checks out with the table at the Chinese wiki page.
What? I posted only one example. Nothing I posted or linked was from before 2014.
Kunming was commissioned in 2012, the article is dated in 2014. You need to check it agan.
How can you be sure there is a policy regarding where commissioning ceremonies are held, much less that it was changed? How do you explain all the commissioning ceremonies held at naval bases before 2014?
I am explaining commissioning ceremonies held after 2014. Look again at the examples I have already given.