Re: DDG 052C Thread
I'm envious what those Japanese have...
As much as they boast of being a self defense force, the Navy is blimmin big with more than 50 destroyers, all of them capable sub hunters, most of them fitted with advanced tech, and a good portion of them have fleet air defense capability (though not all boast this capability).
I'd say it was not a mistake to buy the two additional sovremennys...if you just bought two, well that makes logistics quite pointless, but I guess having four are always better than two. Aside from that...though they are somewhat a three decade old design, don't underestimate, US SM-X Standard missiles are old weapons, but have been continually enhanced into some of the world's most deadly anti-air weapons. Taiwan's acquisition of a thirty year old design of the Kidd Class is one well worth the money...these are capable ships. And hey, no one can complain considering the Sovremenny is far better than any Luda, Luhu, or even Luhai (the latter only about 8 years old). Same thing said with the Kilos...Kilos are not a waste of money...they have a good reputation amongst its users (say India), and the USN fears it...
Sigh, imagine tomorrow was a day where PRC and ROC reunited without a single bullet fired...think bout the combined Chinese fleet...
Sovremennys, Kidds,
054s, La Fayettes,
Jiangweis, Hazard Perrys,
Ludas, Fletcher and Summers,
220X and Hai Ou,
YJ83 and Harpoon,
Sunburn and Hseng Feng II/III,
all hand in hand....and countering the growing Japanese 'self defense' force...