A carrier is not running her engines 24/7 and a notional IPS carrier with GTGs has never been done on a supercarrier before so I am going off on purely NSIAD-98-1. A CVN is not only more expensive outright, but decommissioning one is way more expensive too not to mention mid-life refueling. NSIAD-98-1 is readily available with a google search. Of course this is a report based on USN experience in 1998 so ofc its not the same thing as PLAN in 2025. But it's still a good source.
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I don´t agree. Ok, let me ask you indirectly.
So if Gas turbines and IEP are not avaiable for a supercarrier...
1.- What type of propulsion would have an alternative conventional carrier?.
2.- After choosing propulsion, which fuel would have that conventional supercarrier?
3.- After choosing this propulsion and fuel, which has been the average price of this fuel during those last 30 years?.
4.- Which are the cost of constructing new generation compact molten salt reactors in comparison?
I disagree that NSIAD-98-1 Study or report or whatever are still valid when compared with fossil fuel costs or the historical trend of the price of fossil fuels.
Again, it is not the same price of 1 ton natural gas for PLAN than for US. Because US have their own gas fields, or at least more economic profitable natural gas resources than China. And you can extrapolate similar conclusions regarding oil.
Finally, you must study avaiability of that resources in case of war. Because if you are relying on natural gas, oil, bunker oil or whatever fossil fuel and US or China´s enemies (eventually a coalition between russians and amerians, you see in TV right now) could reduce the flow of this commodities, those assumptions of that report can change easily.
And lastly, all warships, at least when are deployed out of their naval bases (nowadays MARPOL rules have changed that) have turned on electric generators that must be again feed with fossil fuels. I am pretty sure those costs have been calculated in that report, but I am not sure that real cost of fossil fuels are well calculated to standard barrel oil prices and their evolution price actualized properly.