This is just the whole "you need nuclear for EMAL" all over again.Commercial don't need to carry extra provision such as aviation facility, extra fuel for the jets, living facilities for a few thousand crew member for extended amount of time(Carrier deployment can be months long if not over a year in war time, while the average time to sail from China to the US for a container ship is well under a month and even the largest container ship only have a complement of a few dozen crew members due to automation), etc and all the while maintaining good maneuverability and speed(Bulk carriers usually don't exceed a dozen knots while carriers need to have dashing speed up to 30+ knots to launch aircrafts or to perform evasive maneuvers in war time)
Everyone knows carriers aren't bulk freighters, Type 003 isn't bulk freighter either and yet it's conventional, goes 30 knots, has thousands of people, there's no threashold above which you need nuclear. Nuclear's advantage of endurance and larger store of aviation fuel, which again means longer endurance, but it generates power by turning turbines the same as conventional, there's no more preventing conventional from going larger than from nuclear going larger.
The point is the only reason China would want to build a nuclear carrier is for global power projection.