The carrier mockup in Wuhan might be getting a new modification to its island.
The images below show an alleged procurement announcement on a renovation project to an existing structure. The renovated structure is 20 meters in length and 30 meters in height, with requisite windows, openings, doors, railings, etc.
The 701 Institute is allegedly building a new facility near Wuhan that will be used to verify the steam system of a certain marine nuclear reactor. Land based boilers will be installed at the facility to provide steam at pressures necessary to simulate and verify the design.
Apparently, the construction of this facility is in full swing. The article from 701 Institute mentions frenzied activities around the clock, partly due to the extensive use of X-ray weld inspection, which can't be carried out during daytime for fear of harming other workers.
Anything in Chinese media?
In recent months, the Political Commissar of the People’s Liberation Army Navy, Admiral Yuan Huazhi, suggested in a legislative session that the design and construction of the force’s fourth aircraft carrier, designated Type 004, are proceeding without difficulties, implicitly indicating that its construction has begun.
A snippet from a short Q&A between a Hong Kong Commercial Daily reporter and a Political Commissar of the PLAN Yuan Huazhi (猿华智) during the recent Two Sessions in Beijing:
Source from the official Weibo account of Hong Kong Commercial Daily:
TBH, nothing new really. Though, it would be really nice if pop3 is still around in that forum today...
It's hard to imagine how you would convert a conventional propulsion system into a nuclear propulsion system. The layouts are fundamentally different.I still think 004 will be conventional based on previous history of Chinese projects. They like to create things in pairs. Maybe the 004 will be modified so that it can be readily convertable to nuke propulsion in the future.
you maybe right... has converting conventional to nuke ever been done? Is the QE carrier suppose to be able to do this?It's hard to imagine how you would convert a conventional propulsion system into a nuclear propulsion system. The layouts are fundamentally different.