thought I might repost them comingDDG 174 in St. Petersburg. These were likely taken sometime ago, when PLAN participated in a Russian naval review.
(2048 x 1343)
(2048 x 1356)
They are currently going at the rate of 3 units per year... Unless they find enough new feasible and advantageous technologies to fit onto the ship or completely depart from the current type and hop onto a larger class, we can just keep adding 3 per year... So if a new design is to be implemented by 2020 .. Total 052d orders would be about 30..If that is the 24th Type 052D, what are the final numbers for the Type 052D will be?
Sure, but two technologies that they'll certainly not get are dual hangars ( the need of which will become distinct once they start operating in continuously contested sub surface areas) and probably ieps ( due to complication of main propulsion overhaul becoming much more of problem than a clean sheet design)@Bhurki
I also expect 055 series to replace 052 series. According to Chinese designation, they are very clearly DDGs, not CGs or whatever foreign observers say.
There is no reason to assume 055s won’t replace 052s as 052s replaced 051s. That said, 052s would be continuously updated with 055 technology just like older destroyers received 052 technology.