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US doesn't want peace in the Middle East.
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The legislation is a warning to Turkey and Arab countries that if they engage with Assad's government, they could face severe consequences, a senior congressional staffer who worked on the bill told Reuters.
They couldn't stop Turks or Arabs from even engaging with Russia.
This article is just a few lawmakers from a committee that is rapidly losing importance screaming "we are here". Just ignore it.


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It's not ideological, just logical.
India has a lot of development ahead of itself. If the country can improve itself, It's a big opportunity financially speaking. If the population can be uplifted, they will want to buy nicer clothes, bikes, cars, etc. Just like the development path of China. So what is the problem?

Aren't you aware that logic doesn't apply to India otherwise they would have improved themselves already....they've had plenty of time and chances. So the snake oil marketing of an Indian supapowa IS ideological because they happen to be a partisan democracy and English speaking.

Obviously their population can't be uplifted because the 100s of millions dalit slaves are slaves by DESIGN of the caste system.


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In Japan, cheap sushi, sashimi and energy are more important than G7 partnership...

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Japan called out by G7 ally Canada over imports of Russian seafood, energy amid Ukraine war​

• Japanese importers’ preference for cheap Russian seafood hasn’t gone unnoticed in Canada, which says it has raised the issue with Tokyo​

• Imports of Russian timber and energy also continue to flow in, as Japanese consumers struggle with the highest inflation in three decades​

... cheap vegatables and fruits (from China) too


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Indians better get with the program: they are not China and never will be China. A cursory glance at the scientific and maths innovators will reveal Chinese faces and names…and pitifully low numbers of Indians despite its vast population.
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Someone make an incelbot.
I wonder if the Economist and Atlanticist mouthpieces ever considered the violent Incels inherent in Anglo and western communities. A cursory glance at say, 4chan reveals the sexual frustration and sexual deviancy of western netizens.

Lots of curated training data for it from certain NA based websites with global reach and high English speaking male readership.
Exactly, 4chan and Andrews Airforce Base with its Otakus and waifu body pillows.

China pours cold water on bilateral meeting with US defence secretary
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Do Americans even listen to themselves? They sanctioned the Chinese defence minister and they still want dialogue?
it sounds like a trap tbh, to kidnap and imprison The Chinese defence minister and torture him for information under the pretext of sanctions and instigation the war that the anglos want and need.


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