View attachment 106688
View attachment 106687
Wow, I see the RAND corporation is hard at work deciphering all the mysterious workings of the Chinese mind in recent days.
Honestly, what do these guys even fvcking expect?
Though, there can only be one possible explanation:
The decades-worth of brainwashing has resulted in many of these so-called Western-based "China experts" being disconnected from reality.
Many of them still honestly think that the Chinese people are "oppressed and tortured by the ebil SeeSeePee", and that the Chinese people are waiting for the Westerners to "liberate them from the ebil SeeSeePee" dictatorship", and that the Chinese people would "lay red carpets to greet their Anglo-Saxon-led Western liberators as triumphing heroes".
In this case, these "China-experts" truly believed that the Chinese people are angry because the ebil SeeSeePee has deliberately thrown away any chances of reconciliation with the US after what they clearly believed as "Beijing's actions at antagonizing the US".
But what they didn't realise is that the series of actions taken by Washington DC that are directly antagonizing Beijing over the past years:
1. Waging trade war which negatively affected the economy;
2. Trying to stunt China's growth and development by cutting off China's access to high-end technology;
3. Waging propaganda war which deliberately deface and smear China and the Chinese people;
4. Supporting rioters who decimated Hong Kong for years;
5. Supporting Taiwanese separatism and disrespect China's territorial integrity with the unlawful visit of the US' 3rd-in-command to Taiwan;
6. Backing Tibetan and Xinjiang seperatist and terrorist groups;
7. Sailing warships through the Taiwan Strait to provoke China;
8. Intruding the South China Sea and ruining deals between China and ASEAN countries from behind;
9. Expanding military presence targetting China in the WestPac to contain China;
10. Stationing long-range strike missiles targetting the Chinese heartland;
11. Waging unlawful sanctions against China and Chinese entities;
12. Deliberate attempt at derailing China's BRI project across the world;
etc etc...
Is coming back and bite them.
Yet somehow, these "China-experts" believed that the Chinese people should be angry at the balloon fiasco? Give me a break, LMFAO.
If anything, no matter how insignificant the balloon itself can be, the Chinese people sees this balloon fiasco as a "tit-for-tat" for Pelosi's unalwful visit to Taiwan last year. Since Pelosi violated Chinese territorial soverignty and integrity with her visit to Taiwan and her words which clearly supported Taiwanese seperatism, the balloon from China intruding US territorial airspace (being unintentional at that), is seen by many in China as:
But of course, the Americans clearly made themselves the clown of the world with such hysterical reaction, and these Western-based "China-experts" know none the better.
Here, the historic master of propaganda perfectly described the cause-and-effect of pretty much the entirety of the American and Western diasphora's present hysteria and emnity against China and the Chinese people: