I thought it was all a propaganda show.
Give credit to the Americans! Their propaganda is quite entertaining!
Let's face it, none of us is going to forget this balloon show!
We will remember this forever, because we were laughing for days!
Some of us have not laughed this hard for this long!
When the balloon was over Idaho, and the Americans sent three spy planes and two F-22 (which has spying ability), to check it out, then decided not to shoot it down - then that is all we needed to know about what spying capability that balloon had!
In Idaho, that balloon was still a curiosity, and slightly amusing.
After the intercepts, the propaganda show started.
By then, the American political machine got into it, then the people got into it, the military had to get into it again, the press having a field day like an OJ Simpson trial, this was a hoot!
Then President Trump got into against President Biden, which of course triggered people, which in turn triggered more people.
Even trigger the PRC who issued a statement! LOL!
Seems like the Chinese foreign ministry were the only ones not laughing at all of this, lol.
Guess they do their jobs.