Chinese semiconductor industry

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Shanghai Institute of Microsystems successfully developed the world's smallest phase change memory cell

With today's explosive growth in data production, the traditional von Neumann computing architecture has become a major technical obstacle to continuing to improve the performance of computing systems in the future. Phase-change random access memory (PCRAM) can combine storage and computing functions, and is an ideal path to break through the bottleneck of von Neumann computing architecture. It has the advantages of non-volatility, fast programming and long cycle life. However, the large contact area between the phase change material and the heating electrode in PCRAM results in high operating power consumption of the phase change memory. How to further reduce the power consumption has become one of the biggest challenges for the future development of the phase change memory. Reducing the size of the heater electrode is the key to reducing power consumption. Graphene nanoribbon ( GNR ) is a quasi-one-dimensional graphene nanostructure with ultra-high current-carrying capacity (> 10 9 A/cm 2 ) and high thermal stability, which can be used as heating for phase change memory electrode.

Figure 3. Functional demonstration of D -type flip-flop logic based on 3nm -wide GNR boundary electrodes . (a) Schematic diagram of the structure of D -type flip-flop; ( b ) transfer characteristic curves of the device in high / low resistance state; (c) device cycling characteristics; (d) D -type flip-flop demonstrated by phase-change memory cell based on GNR boundary contact logic timing.

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The US throwing Taiwan under the bus and like an abused wife, Taiwan is going to take it like a good obedient Geisha without a complaint. Anyone notice the language to push the US semiconductor bill was all about breaking dependency on China. China? They denied chips to China hoping to force China to surrender to their demands. Oh yes it's because to the West, they see no difference from China and Taiwan because they're both foreign and interchangeable to scare Americans into supporting this bill. Self-reliance mean no foreigners including ally Taiwan that's until after they steal all of Taiwan's secrets. Say bye to the South Korean chip industry too.

Of course!

But I have to say that the observation of US Commerce Secretary is totally correct: "The US can’t keep relying on Taiwan for semiconductors and needs to pass legislation to support the domestic production of high-end computer chips"

Also China thinks the same (and is moving accordingly at full speed): Taiwan and SK are unreliable from a geopolitical point of view because are small and subject to the influence from both players (currently more from US than China, but China is much closer to both of them...and there is also this little detail that mainland China considers Taiwan its own province and aims at reunification).

US is totally right to be prudent and to want such important key technology as advanced semiconductor manufacturing to be in US territory (possibly by US companies), this is the same goal that also China has. I am even surprised of how US have left the issue to drift until the current situation: betting the business of all the biggest US powerhouses (Qualcomm, Nvidia, Apple, etc) on TSMC is crazy they have finally realized it....but it won't be easy nor quick for them to recover from current situation.

TSMC and Samsung, on their part, have also fully realized it, and are doing their best to counteract, that in their case it means to spend huge crazy amount of money to pump up capacity hoping to saturate the market and make life difficult for newcomers. This is a clear defensive strategy...they obviously smell the danger.


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dropout003 said:
Do you have a link to the document? Thanks.

here's the IPO filing used in the video:

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And this is latest filing (审核问询函的回复) on June 22, 2022, response from UPrecision to inquiries on their prior IPO filings.

So just last month, part of their response to question on technical risks of UPrecision Dual stage for immersion & EUV:

"The company launched the DWS nano-precision motion and measurement and control system according to the needs of the market. The DWS series nanometer precision motion and measurement and control systems are mainly suitable for dry stepping scanning lithography machines (ArF, KrF and i-line lithography machines).​

To sum up, the company's DWS series nanoprecision motion and measurement and control system products (for I-line, KrF and ArF dry lithography machines) have been developed and shipped; DWSi series nano-precision motion and measurement and control system products (for ArFi immersion Photolithography machine) is in the process of research and development, and the research and development of technology and products conforms to the development trend of technology."


sorry, I tried to upload the file but file size too big. so screenshot is best I could do.


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Well, their choice. Seems that white tribalism is more important for them than independence and prosperity.

This has nothing to do with white tribalism. For instance in Japan the US influence is even worse. For instance white people can fight and hate each other ruthlessly even under the same flag (see republican and democratic voters(!) not just politicians in US).

This has to do with historical facts: after second WWII West Europe and Japan passed under US control. US very smartly decided to control them indirectly, not putting their people at the helm, but picking local people loyal to them....and making so that all anti-american politicians simply have no space to emerge: in Europe we have many parties that alternate at the power, but none of them is anti-american, otherwise they disappear and can never win an election because all media and all forces in power go against them. In Japan, they even don't have many parties, but practically since WWII only one party rules. It's quite absurd for European mentality that such a system is even called a democracy, but maybe it is more in line with Asian mentality. For European mentality an effective democratic system is not when there are many parties, but when many parties do alternate at the helm.

Sorry for the digression.


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And this is latest filing (审核问询函的回复) on June 22, 2022, response from UPrecision to inquiries on their prior IPO filings.

So just last month, part of their response to question on technical risks of UPrecision Dual stage for immersion & EUV:

"The company launched the DWS nano-precision motion and measurement and control system according to the needs of the market. The DWS series nanometer precision motion and measurement and control systems are mainly suitable for dry stepping scanning lithography machines (ArF, KrF and i-line lithography machines).​

To sum up, the company's DWS series nanoprecision motion and measurement and control system products (for I-line, KrF and ArF dry lithography machines) have been developed and shipped; DWSi series nano-precision motion and measurement and control system products (for ArFi immersion Photolithography machine) is in the process of research and development, and the research and development of technology and products conforms to the development trend of technology."

View attachment 93889

sorry, I tried to upload the file but file size too big. so screenshot is best I could do.
I see 2020 June 22. Which page is 2022 June 22?


Registered Member
And this is latest filing (审核问询函的回复) on June 22, 2022, response from UPrecision to inquiries on their prior IPO filings.

So just last month, part of their response to question on technical risks of UPrecision Dual stage for immersion & EUV:

"The company launched the DWS nano-precision motion and measurement and control system according to the needs of the market. The DWS series nanometer precision motion and measurement and control systems are mainly suitable for dry stepping scanning lithography machines (ArF, KrF and i-line lithography machines).​

To sum up, the company's DWS series nanoprecision motion and measurement and control system products (for I-line, KrF and ArF dry lithography machines) have been developed and shipped; DWSi series nano-precision motion and measurement and control system products (for ArFi immersion Photolithography machine) is in the process of research and development, and the research and development of technology and products conforms to the development trend of technology."

View attachment 93889

sorry, I tried to upload the file but file size too big. so screenshot is best I could do.
that from early 2021, they don't called DWSi in the 2022 fillings that in the last ones the refer to "immersion stage".


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Wonder if SMEE can take a different direction simultaneously: low end super low cost.

I was reading on EVG's UV LED lithography source for substituting mercury i-line. Turns out many companies are doing this now.

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There's papers demonstrating UV LED lithography devices built by individuals or research groups of a few people (!).

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One advantage is that unlike a mercury lamp, UV LEDs have nanosecond turn on times and thus can be throttled with PWM instead of using a blocker. They also don't require lamp change due to very long lifetimes.

I hope SMEE can keep lowering costs for packaging and older nodes lithography using new tech to fully cabbagize older node semiconductor and squeeze revenue at the bottom.
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