Ladakh Flash Point

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Bright Sword

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The more I think about it the more I feel like this is one of those ill-fated Indian defense acquisition ideas. Camels are not indigenous to high altitude regions. They won't work as well as yaks, which can be easily obtained from local Tibetan herdsmen.
The double humped camel or Bactrian Camel can sustain high altitudes and low temperatures such as -40 C. It can carry loads of upto 170 to 200 kg.These camels are ideally suited for cold deserts like the Gobi or a high altitude plateau like Tibet. For a mountainous snow bound region the Yak is far more sure footed able to negotiate rocky and icy mountain slopes, withstand altitudes and low temperatures. But Yaks cannot carry the same load as the Bactrian camels. The Bactrian Camel is not as numerous as its single hump counterpart ( the Dromedary). China and Mongolia have the largest number of Bactrian camels. Pakistan has about 200 ( mainly in Baluchistan) abd India has about 150. These camels would likely have to be imported in numbers for a large scale transport use. One other animal for such use is obviously the llamas. They work just as well in high altitudes, rocky slippery slopes, in dry extremely cold climates such as in the Andes of South America..


Pencil Pusher
VIP Professional
Saw this from the latest Indian defence forum.
If the Indians or whoever nonsense wanted to play this same thing, well... we can play a lot on this too... for all the other militaries in the world.

Indian soldiers after being trashed by Pakistani

And the evil of indian army,

Well I know these videos are inflammatory, but if the Indians do not care to admit to defeat and keep spreading lies and fake news, I don't see why the Chinese are that controlled. There are countless videos in the net (most are fake, I think) that can also be twisted to tell totally different stories.


Registered Member
These sad Jai Hinds just go around finding any clip of random Chinese military clips and take them out of context.

Emotional retired soldiers crying on a bus in some urban part of eastern China? ... must've seen all their friends killed by martial race Jai Hinds in Ladakh.

Funeral for PLA killed in 2015? Ladakh skirmish death hidden by CCP. Don't think about why the clips are so public.

J-15 pilot killed in accident and funeral procession showing grieving people? Again must be at the hands of bollywood jai hinds. You know how one of those physically formidable Indians can easily kill dozens of Chinese with their bare hands right? The same Indians that are statistically much shorter than Chinese urban and rural. Also weaker, fewer sporting achievements, fewer athletic achievements, not known for being physically capable at all? Yeah that martial race of jai hinds... the same one conquered by others for millennia.

PLA graveyard in Xinjiang? Yep again must be ladakh skirmish PLA deaths. Ignore the fact the pictures came from Chinese media articles from years ago.

Honestly just because a CCP mouthpiece said PLA deaths numbered far fewer than Indian ones and were only caused by the Indian surprise attack in June, these sad morons feel obliged to scour the internet for photos and videos to take out of context. Luckily people have been debunking all of them and so far the Jai Hinds have been caught with their pants down with lies more times than I can remember now. The Chinese side have been caught lying ... zero times. Indian media and social media have yet to learn subtlety and how to construct more convincing believable narratives without going totally nuts and being caught within hours or days.

I bet random Jai Hinds have taken CCTV interviews of some older generation engineers/soldiers crying about how they worked back in the day etc and presented that as evidence of grieving parents or grandparents of PLA soldiers killed by the mighty little hands of bihar wankers. Yeah the same bollywood crap where one guy is credited with killing multiple PLA.


Registered Member
BTW it should be emphasised again that Chinese authorities and media have been caught lying zero times so far. At the very start they said there were casualties on both sides and later reported two PLA soldiers eventually succumbed to their injuries. Recently, Hu Xijin said PLA had some fatalities but numbers far fewer than the Indian fatalities which is considered as 20 even though there are plenty of official sources on the Indian side saying there were more than 20 total IA deaths. CCP only accepted responsibility of 3 IA deaths.

China doesn't give the total PLA casualties details because it doesn't need to and nor should it. Contrary to pathetic jai hind attitudes, this ISN'T lying. It's barely even morally questionable. Russia doesn't give any details on casualties in Syria, Libya, Ukraine, etc. USA didn't and doesn't give details on their casualties in Syria or their Iraqi base that came under attack by Iranian missiles. India itself doesn't give ANY casualty details on ongoing fighting on LOC until it suits them or media is allowed to divulge some details days or weeks after the events. It's the incorrect assumption of some people that not publicly making a huge deal out of x PLA deaths (where x<<20) somehow means that PLA has totally denied funeral and compensation etc. Chances are the few that did die have been given proper rites and their families properly informed and taken care of. At least we've no reason to doubt this. The CCP has hinted two PLA died as a result of the clash in June. Again there is a majorly important difference (that some just can't grasp) between not publicly making a huge fuss and fanfare about military fatalities, and lying.

Lying is when you claim Taiwan shot down a Su-35 when that did not happen. It's when you take 2008 media photos of PLA graves from 1950s in Xinjiang and present them as graves for Ladakh fighting and photoshopping gravestones. It's when you claim nothing is happening when you lose about 1000 square kilometers and it's when you claim you can identify a J-20 from over 100km away when J-20 were not even stationed anywhere close to the region you've claimed. The Indian lies go on and on and on but these people have no shame and no honour.

Even with respect to the June fighting, India has not given official details on the dozens of IA captured and returned by PLA. Indians also denied fatalities until they piled on and kept the official word at 20+. They could have 40+ deaths and over a hundred injured and captured back in June for all we know. They've only presented a small part of the picture as well, admitting to only a portion of the damages they've taken. That's the Indian way though. Face and ego preservation is everything even though they don't realise they have no face or ego to protect. Well nothing of value.

The actual situation on the ground is worse for the Indians. Over at the Galwan Depsang northern side of the lake, they've lost their claims... hopefully for good. Their intrusions elsewhere are an annoyance to PLA but all of them were temporary it seems. They've now shut up about fake claims since photo and satellite evidence have proven PLA occupy heights... this is also right on a contested border, albeit old LAC.

Once you look at all the facts and debunked nonsense, the Indians truly are a shamelessly pathetic crowd of cheerleaders. Losing abysmally and shouting victory. Reminds me of their celebrations of their Mig-21 pilot's return LOL. Losers.
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Registered Member
The updated claim tracker. So far Indians are not doing well. Read the list and I may have missed some things as it is. All the proof is available around the internet outside of Bhakt circle jerks. Even in this thread there is a record of these claims and results+evidence. How sad and pathetic can Hindutvas get?

This is just a short summary. Haven't even added the most recent claim where retired PLA seen being emotional is presented as crying because the Bihar weaklings are just too strong Jai hind lol.

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