Chinese infantry fighting vehicles


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p.s. Here's the literal textbook example of how Armor is supposed to work with Mech Infantry, when in "Contact with an expected force", in Chapter 3 (Offensive Ops) from FM 71-1: Tank and Mechanized Infantry Company Team

The square symbology is for tanks, and the diamonds are your mech infantry. Mech Infantry's only job (all the way until the end) is to provide security on the flanks (Step 3) and getting into position, while its your tanks which are advancing on enemy BMPs. The Mech Infantry's engagement starts at Step 13 (the last step) when they are finally sent in to mop up the "remaining" resistance. And even that is still happening under the protection of your tanks (from Step 11).





Registered Member
No. That is (very) incorrect. That would only happen in Urban/COIN ops where the enemy doesn't have any armor. And how many times do I have to say that we're discussing traditional doctrine against 'near peer' foes?! In
You're talking about how US army fights.
Others may see it very differently.

There's a reason why even Russia and China were shocked at 1991
Mixing together 1991' SU with 1991' PRC is a fairly bold move I'd say.

The Russian seems to have an ideal gun selection for both AA and AT role.
That's another fairly bold statement. Russians themselves can't decide between 3(!) different guns and another 3(!!!) different guided missile systems. Or, to be precise, they don't even plan to settle on something, and we'll likely get all of them. All 3 aren't ideal for different reasons.

What's clear is that 100+30+7.62 triplex isn't accepted by Russian army* anymore(and was never really loved there. )
*airborne love it, for obvious reasons.


Tyrant King
You're talking about how US army fights.
Others may see it very differently.
Not Even. All tanks pack more HE shells than APFDS. Including the US that’s not COIN that’s the norm. HE is useful as the aim of the tank or fighting force is to get into the enemy rear area and cut them off at the ankles. HE can take out buildings and fortified structures. It also trashes vehicles like trucks, APC and the like. Even against another tank it can do some damage. But has the new Generalisimo of the page let him rant.
That's another fairly bold statement. Russians themselves can't decide between 3(!) different guns and another 3(!!!) different guided missile systems. Or, to be precise, they don't even plan to settle on something, and we'll likely get all of them. All 3 aren't ideal for different reasons.
I think he is talking about the much hyped 57mm gun the Russians keep talking about. The one they have yet to deploy on widespread IFVs. The one that shortened the barrel to fit on the turret.m


Registered Member
I think he is talking about the much hyped 57mm gun the Russians keep talking about

This one? It both is and it isn't. High ammo capacity, very powerful low velocity HE-FRAG AND true APFSDS round in a single gun is a huge achievement, no sarcasm here.
This gun tries to be the best of both worlds, but in the end -
1)IFV with it has to carry 4(!)different weapon systems;
2)Its AA potential is limited at best;
3)Starting this year, Russian army will have to supply two completely different lines of 57mm ammo nonetheless.
4)Resulting module is very large. No top hatches over troop compartment.

Don't get me wrong, this is a solution, but it is closely tied to Russian views on mechanized infantry, and it most definitely isn't for everyone.


Registered Member
Anybody know what type of gun launched missile is this Spec or Russian equivalent?
Missile tank (Tank guns shoot missiles) - 军武零距离 国产炮射导弹 A missile tank is an armored fighting vehicle fulfilling the role of the main battle tank, but using only guided missiles for the main armament

It's good old 9M117M. But I wouldn't draw too many conclusions from this video.
