055 DDG Large Destroyer Thread

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It gets confusing when Hudong Zhonghua is in the Huangpu River. So when you mean Huangpu, are you referring to the river or the shipyard? The shipyard named Huangpu is said to be in the Guangzhou area. In fact the full name of it is Guangzhou Huangpu Shipbuilding Company, just to make sure there is no confusion.

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Note the shed on the right of the shipyard's picture. That's where many Type 054A and 056 were born. Not a big shipyard you can see, but it produces a lot of other smaller vessels for the PLAN like the SWATH type catamarans meant for sonar surveillance.

Is Huangpu capable of making 052D and 055? They need to double the rate of making these ships in this hostile environment.


Registered Member
Is Huangpu capable of making 052D and 055? They need to double the rate of making these ships in this hostile environment.

Guangzhou Huangpu or Huangpu Wenchong has three shipyards: Changzhou, Wenchong and Longxue.

The Changzhou shipyard builds smaller warships like Type 054A and 056A. Maybe Type 054B in the future. The shed they use to make warship and Chinese coast guard ship is too small for 052D. Only this shipyard has the skill set for making warships. Shipyards doing commercial ships would require extensive retraining of the manpower to transition to building warships.

The Wenchong shipyard has enough drydock capacity to big larger military ships, but it currently builds large commercial freighters.

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The Longxue shipyard also has capacity but currently builds commercial ships.

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Junior Member
It's been pretty tough. Been having to increase the pain meds...but the good Lord has more for me to do yet.

I have a couple of things that really interest me...geneology work for our family (going way bak now into the 1200s, and the model building, as well as getting ready to start back in on my next fictional book.

It really helps in these situations to have things that you can use to keep your mind focused on othr helpful and productivve things and not have time to worry about the other.

I really enjoyed putting the Type 055s tgether. They are awesome ships for the Chinese-PLAN, and hte US commanders know they have ti take them seriously.

So glad to see you are still fine Jeff! Wish you best of luck. May all power and peace be with you.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
what China needs to do with this warship is to form a high speed surface action group

4 x Type 055 CG
1 x Type 901 Tanker
1 x Type 093/5 SSN

roam the Pacific Ocean and do deep blue ocean operations allowing adversary's to give chase

2-3 weeks of continuous at sea operations, will be beneficial for EW emissions


Registered Member
what China needs to do with this warship is to form a high speed surface action group

4 x Type 055 CG
1 x Type 901 Tanker
1 x Type 093/5 SSN

roam the Pacific Ocean and do deep blue ocean operations allowing adversary's to give chase

2-3 weeks of continuous at sea operations, will be beneficial for EW emissions

When you have 4 x Type 055 CG just for the Pacific Ocean roaming, you will probably need 30 more Type 055. Some of them will be escorts for the 6 CV groups, and also for the LHD groups, while 1/3 of them is on vacation or idled for maintenance.


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When you have 4 x Type 055 CG just for the Pacific Ocean roaming, you will probably need 30 more Type 055. Some of them will be escorts for the 6 CV groups, and also for the LHD groups, while 1/3 of them is on vacation or idled for maintenance.

Again - as in the 075 thread - STOP with these constant "we need the biggest navy" posts! We are not any random fan-boy site, where big is the best and more even better.


Junior Member
@by78 .............where is the 6th 052D. I can see 3 together in the water at top LHS of image, another one in the water in front of your marked 055 no1, and one in the dock to the right of 055 no.3. Where is 052D no 6.....Thanks.
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@by78 .............where is the 6th 052D. I can see 3 together in the water at top LHS of image, another one in the water in front of your marked 055 no1, and one in the dock to the right of 055 no.3. Where is 052D no 6.....Thanks.

Immediately to the right of the dry dock.
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