Lieutenant General
Harpy anti-radiation loitering weapon.

Link to the J-20 pilots' interview.
I think that we can put the J-20's maneuverability capabilities to rest. According to the pilot, it is a significant improvement over 4th generation fighters.
Yes, planes with canard tend to very maneuverable. What I find most interesting about this interview is how he talks about the vast improvement in sensors and situational awareness for J-20, he said J-20 has all of the sensor integrated that give him a much better overview of his surroundings.
China's answer to the F-35 for sure.
China's answer to the F-35 for sure.
Either way I think the J-20'so role is now unambiguously that of a fighter. Many of us probably feel vindicated.
Indeed, in many ways its more advanced than F-22, that's only because F-22 was designed and produced before the information age of today. I'm sure F-22 can upgrade its sensor to F-35 levels, but it might not be worth it for just 200 planes.
Also I never felt the need to be vindicated because I know this plane have absolutely no issue with maneuverability after I watched this video 6 years ago, I know all the non-sayer are just haters.
And that video using the model plane was interesting back in the day, but frankly I think using it as the basis for defending why J-20 was very maneuverable was a bit silly. There are many other reasons for believing why J-20 would be a maneuverable air superiority fighter, and I think using that model plane video as the basis for it is not particularly strong.