Yes for Su-34 in more he do 45 t so not a true dancer

max 7.5 G but also her radar is more oriented for A2G Attack less good for A2A missions on' twant far bars, Irbis etc.. but the Su-34 is able with it for BVR combat not the Su-24
Su-34 in 1980s and early 1990s benefited much from new heavy(not strategic!) bomber Sukhoi program, which died in 1992. I.e. in many ways it got much more than such "intermediate" program could hope to obtain.
I don't want to tell the whole story, it isn't russian thread after all, but in short:
Initially it was program to deeply update existing Su-24 (so-called T-6BM), which by 1983 looked like this:
VVS were very much in favor of this, but internal fights in Sukhoi OKB were another story.
Program was killed in favour of Su-34(by that moment it looked more like "Su-30 VISTA"), with a lot of innovative solutions, which never happened to worked out.
Like this:
(note crazy "twin aisle" engines - it's actually two, not four! Idea was to get actual stealthy supercruiser).
So, Su-34 switched to much more realistic deep upgrade of T-10 airframe.
But, while not as adventureous per se, there was huge input of technology from other project, s.c. "object 54s"
(no, this isn't just random fanboy drawing; but how much details match actual prototype is unknown, program still remains secret)
"donor" project was very ambitious in many ways(Stealthy, supercruising, yet capable of terrain following penetration and so on), and expectedly it couldn't hope to survive fall of USSR(and in any way, it depended on AL-41 engine program to take off).
But at this point Su-34 could do some of it job - it inherited offensive electronics, forward fuselage section, and airframe was "taught" to be able to at least partially cope with terrain-following flight.
All above is for one certain point: soviet VVS were in favor of dedicated bomber aircraft(B-90 program), not previous generation air superiority fighter rework.
It worked out better than it could, but it did so only thanks to external events.
While current level of technology definetely removed much of a difference(for example, rapid progress of suspendable external targeting pods) - there still are points, in which dedicated bomber airframes will be of utility, and planes initially designed as loitering interceptor/air superiority fighter(Su-27 family), even of somehow updated - will still lag behind in many areas.