Got some pics taken by me on that day - quality has to give somewhat from the originals which taken with D750...

Think this is this varient first seen in public.

If you see the plate that has its model name and seriel number, you'd find this indeed a very new varient, produced in 2014, the "anti-riot model for HK and Macau"

It's obvious that what sets this apart from the standard ZSL-92B.

Alas, I don't understand what purpose of an ATGM in "riot-control" mission scenario.

Apparently there are 3 cameras installed below the warning lights on each side, capability (spectrum other than visual light, resolution etc) unknown.

By my observations, the day of the open house nobody saw the significance of this; the same night I posted pictures online but nobody noticed; only after that firepower display exercise last week then people began to notice these ZSL-92B not those standard models...that they're customised for operations in HK and Macau - this is probably the subtle message the PLA tried to tell everyone?